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ball gowns

n. (plural of ball gown English)

Usage examples of "ball gowns".

What with formal dinners, ball gowns, and assassination attempts, not to mention scrambling to get out of Valentin at least half a step ahead of whoever had it in for them, the occasional oddities in Calandra's behavior had been the least of his worries.

Do you really think that you will have any occasions to wear a closetful of expensive ball gowns in your next post, Miss Greyson?

Once she acquired a taste for ornate ball gowns and dancing through the night, her attitude about society and London would change her life for the better.

He carried the papers to a table, far from the heap of ball gowns, and smiled at her in a most charming way.

Mr Stan even finds a position for Mrs P, which isn't with Henry Haskin as she'd so often threatened since the news of the contents of Wilma Pinkington's jumbo-sized 4711 bottle has preceded her, but he finally gets her placed with a small factory that specialises in wedding dresses and ball gowns at the expensive end of the market where beads remain the big thing.

They looked through fashion plate after fashion plate, the three of them, selecting designs for morning dresses, afternoon dresses, dinner gowns, ball gowns, carriage dresses, walking dresses, riding habits, cloaks, pelissesthe list went on and on despite Eves intense dismay.

There would be women sorcerers here too, more dangerous and difficult to spot because they would not be wearing presentation medals or orders with their ball gowns.

Mother did return several of the more magnificent ball gowns to the cambric in which they had been swathed.

I have no faith in these stories of clever little women who can create ball gowns out of old sheets, and if they are so gifted it seems paltry indeed not to pay them what they are worth.

You have at least two dozen ball gowns, and I would have the devil of a time picking one out for you.

If she squinted her eyes, she could look down the hill and almost imagine that the tents were maidens in white ball gowns, gathered shyly at the edge of the dancing floor.