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The Collaborative International Dictionary
At one

One \One\, n.

  1. A single unit; as, one is the base of all numbers.

  2. A symbol representing a unit, as 1, or i.

  3. A single person or thing. ``The shining ones.''
    --Bunyan. ``Hence, with your little ones.''

    He will hate the one, and love the other.
    --Matt. vi. 2

  4. That we may sit, one on thy right hand, and the other on thy left hand, in thy glory.
    --Mark x. 37.

    After one, after one fashion; alike. [Obs.]

    At one, in agreement or concord. See At one, in the Vocab.

    Ever in one, continually; perpetually; always. [Obs.]

    In one, in union; in a single whole.

    One and one, One by one, singly; one at a time; one after another. ``Raising one by one the suppliant crew.''

    one on one contesting an opponent individually; -- in a contest.

    go one on one, to contest one opponent by oneself; -- in a game, esp. basketball.

At one

At \At\, prep. [AS. [ae]t; akin to OHG. az, Goth., OS., & Icel. at, Sw. [*a]t, Dan. & L. ad.] Primarily, this word expresses the relations of presence, nearness in place or time, or direction toward; as, at the ninth hour; at the house; to aim at a mark. It is less definite than in or on; at the house may be in or near the house. From this original import are derived all the various uses of at. It expresses:

  1. A relation of proximity to, or of presence in or on, something; as, at the door; at your shop; at home; at school; at hand; at sea and on land.

  2. The relation of some state or condition; as, at war; at peace; at ease; at your service; at fault; at liberty; at risk; at disadvantage.

  3. The relation of some employment or action; occupied with; as, at engraving; at husbandry; at play; at work; at meat (eating); except at puns.

  4. The relation of a point or position in a series, or of degree, rate, or value; as, with the thermometer at 80[deg]; goods sold at a cheap price; a country estimated at 10,000 square miles; life is short at the longest.

  5. The relations of time, age, or order; as, at ten o'clock; at twenty-one; at once; at first.

  6. The relations of source, occasion, reason, consequence, or effect; as, at the sight; at this news; merry at anything; at this declaration; at his command; to demand, require, receive, deserve, endure at your hands.

  7. Relation of direction toward an object or end; as, look at it; to point at one; to aim at a mark; to throw, strike, shoot, wink, mock, laugh at any one.

    At all, At home, At large, At last, At length, At once, etc. See under All, Home, Large, Last (phrase and syn.), Length, Once, etc.

    At it, busily or actively engaged.

    At least. See Least and However.

    At one. See At one, in the Vocabulary.

    Syn: In, At.

    Usage: When reference to the interior of any place is made prominent in is used. It is used before the names of countries and cities (esp. large cities); as, we live in America, in New York, in the South. At is commonly employed before names of houses, institutions, villages, and small places; as, Milton was educated at Christ's College; money taken in at the Customhouse; I saw him at the jeweler's; we live at Beachville. At may be used before the name of a city when it is regarded as a mere point of locality. ``An English king was crowned at Paris.''
    --Macaulay. ``Jean Jacques Rousseau was born at Geneva, June, 28, 1712.''
    --J. Morley. In regard to time, we say at the hour, on the day, in the year; as, at 9 o'clock, on the morning of July 5th, in the year 1775.

At one

At one \At one"\ [OE. at on, atone, atoon, attone.]

  1. In concord or friendship; in agreement (with each other); as, to be, bring, make, or set, at one, i. e., to be or bring in or to a state of agreement or reconciliation.

    If gentil men, or othere of hir contree Were wrothe, she wolde bringen hem atoon.

  2. Of the same opinion; agreed; as, on these points we are at one.

  3. Together. [Obs.]

at one

prep.phr. 1 (context often with ''with'' English) In harmony or unity. 2 (context often with ''with'' English) In agreement, unanimous, of the same opinion. 3 (context archaic English) Into a state of harmony, friendship or reconciliation.

Usage examples of "at one".

Truman, and Henke looked at one another expressionlessly, and Honor smiled.

The two friends looked at one another for a moment, and then Bressand cleared his throat.

They were individually more powerful than any past Manticoran battlecruiser had ever mounted, with fourteen emitters per cluster, each capable of cycling at one shot every sixteen seconds.

Anisimovna and Isabel Bardasano glanced at one another, then turned back to the face displayed on the secure com.

The cable-creature had yanked itself completely free of the ground at one end.

They had brought with them a thing of the Great World, Hresh carrying one end and Taniane the other: that hollow tube of metal, hooded at one end, with a region of incomprehensible blackness held captive within that hood, and brilliant light sizzling and hissing at its entrance.

I am glad I was not in your place, and sorry that the savages should have had the encouragement of your presence at one of their devilish orgies.

That evening, while a dull glow still lingered in the western sky, though the shadows of dusk were fallen on the fort and its surroundings, Major Hester passed the sentry at one of the gates and walked slowly, as though for an aimless stroll, as far as the little French-Canadian church.

Although his moccasined feet made no sound on the uncarpeted floor, his movements seemed to annoy the elder of two officers who, in handsome uniforms, occupied a window-seat at one side of the room, and were evidently waiting for somebody or something as patiently as their natures would permit.

Having hinted that the little fire devils of the forest, which I fancy every savage has seen, at one time or another, peering at him from rotten tree trunks, logs, or stumps, might be attracted by the proximity of the great Fire Demon, I strolled off a short distance, as though to search for them.

The scene thus referred to was that of a circle of grave warriors seated about a small fire, and listening to the harangue of one who stood in an open space reserved for him at one side.

The Mahars watched the surface of the water for the reappearance of their queen, and presently at one end of the tank her head rose slowly into view.

I knew that there must be some entrance to the building beside the doorways in the roof, for it did not seem reasonable to believe that the thousands of slaves which were brought here to feed the Mahars the human flesh they craved would all be carried through the air, and so I continued my search until at last it was rewarded by the discovery of several loose granite blocks in the masonry at one end of the temple.

It was a rough leveling of the debris, upon which several small objects lay carelessly scattered, and at one corner of which a considerable amount of gasoline must have been spilled lately enough to leave a strong odor even at this extreme superplateau altitude.

French priest whom we took in at one of the squalid villages of the dreary Haut-Valais, through which on that bright afternoon we rattled so superbly.