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as the saying goes

phr. Used before or after saying an apt proverb, adage, cliché etc.

Usage examples of "as the saying goes".

He got radicaler and radicaler, as the saying goes, although what actually transpired in the man's heart of hearts, Lyle, is open to question.

Once we're inside gun range, we have an almost decent chance, but getting there, as the saying goes, is half the fun.

Even to our own children, when they are crying their heart out, as the saying goes, we are not in the habit of telling fabulous stories to soothe them.

The fact that they were not was what caused them to be as the saying goes 'sent to town.

But first one thing and then another this week have jogged my memory, as the saying goes.

Most people in Lancre, as the saying goes, went to bed with the chickens and got up with the cows.

To put it in plain terms, Sparhawk, Im going to march into the Holy City, and, as the saying goes, bend it to my will.

He and Alaia had been `walking out together,' as the saying goes, before he introduced her to Eliar's father, Agus.