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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
accept a bid
▪ The auctioneer may refuse to accept any bid below a certain price.
accept a booking
▪ Bookings can only be accepted on receipt of a deposit.
accept a challenge (=try to deal with one)
▪ He was ready to accept new challenges.
accept a cheque (=take a cheque as a form of payment)
▪ We only accept cheques if you have a bank card.
accept a claim
▪ Many scientists were reluctant to accept his claims.
accept a compliment (=show that you are pleased to have been given a compliment)
▪ She accepted his compliment graciously.
accept a gift
▪ Sam accepted the gift on behalf of the school.
accept a nomination
▪ Lieberman accepted the nomination as the vice-presidential candidate.
accept a notion
▪ Probably 95% of scientists now accept the notion that human activity is causing climate change.
accept a recommendation
▪ The President accepted the report’s recommendations.
accept an application
▪ The college refused to accept my application.
accept an explanation (=believe that it is true or correct)
▪ The court accepted her explanation.
accept an invitation
▪ She accepted his invitation to dinner.
accept an offer (=say yes to it)
▪ Are you going to accept their offer?
accept defeat
▪ It can be very hard to accept defeat.
accept failure
▪ Being able to accept failure is part of life.
accept sb's resignation
▪ The Prime Minister reluctantly accepted his resignation.
accept sb’s apology
▪ Please accept my apologies for having to cancel our meeting.
accept sb’s logic (=agree that a reason is correct)
▪ The government should accept this logic and exempt all students from paying the tax.
accept the limitations of sth
▪ Take pride in your achievements, but accept your limitations.
accept/admit liability
▪ The company accepts no liability for any loss, inconvenience, or delay caused by a cancellation of train services.
accept/admit the truth
▪ Our pride kept us from admitting the truth.
accept/adopt a suggestion (=do what is suggested)
▪ The issue was finally settled when Amelia’s suggestion was adopted.
accept/agree on a compromise
▪ It would be advantageous for both countries to accept a compromise.
accept/agree to conditions
▪ He refused to accept the conditions set by the rebel leader.
accept/receive a delivery
▪ Someone must be at home to accept the delivery.
accept/take a bribe
▪ Any officials who accept bribes will face criminal charges.
accept/take a card (=allow you to pay by card)
▪ Big hotels will accept most cards.
accept/take criticism (=allow it and learn from it)
▪ Very few people know how to accept criticism.
accept/take responsibility for sth
▪ To his credit, he took responsibility for his actions.
accept/take the consequences (=understand and deal with them)
▪ I’m prepared to accept the consequences of my decision.
acknowledge/recognize/accept the existence of sth (=agree that something exists)
▪ They organization finally acknowledged the existence of a problem.
an accepted convention
▪ Saying 'thank you' and 'please' is an accepted convention.
an accepted/received notion (=an idea that most people believe)
▪ These women challenged accepted notions of female roles in society.
approve/accept a proposal
▪ The proposal was approved by the committee.
believe/accept an excuse
▪ She didn’t believe his excuse for one minute.
fully accept
▪ I fully accept that what he says is true.
generally regarded/accepted/known etc
▪ The plants are generally regarded as weeds.
▪ a generally accepted view
resign yourself to/accept your fate
▪ I had no choice but to resign myself to my fate.
take/accept cuts (=agree to have something reduced)
▪ Some employees were forced to take pay cuts.
take/accept redundancy
▪ Twenty staff members took voluntary redundancy.
take/accept/shoulder the blame (=say that something is your fault)
▪ No one was prepared to take the blame for the disaster.
▪ Parents must shoulder the blame if their kids behave badly.
treated/recognized/accepted etc as such
▪ Birth is a natural process, and should be treated as such.
▪ Unless parents fully accept the child, the burden of pain and failure will be passed on.
▪ Yet he could not fully accept it.
▪ A lesson had been learned, but not fully accepted im-mediately, and it was enormously frustrating.
▪ Resolving this conflict was critical in fully accepting the responsibility in being a manager and developing credibility.
▪ Nowadays we fully accept short sight.
▪ But that big, awful secret from her past prevents Lisa from fully accepting his love.
▪ It was coming to be generally accepted by 1880 that the state was the proper political expression of the nation.
▪ You might be surprised how difficult it is to develop a generally accepted definition of this most widely used political concept.
▪ That is to say, your study will provide you with the knowledge that is generally accepted as making up the subject.
▪ Not that there was a generally accepted view of how, they might be different.
▪ That period over, there is a stage of continued high growth when the dominance of the new technology is generally accepted.
▪ The media continue to publish favorable reports on prediction claims that are not generally accepted by the scientific community.
▪ Well-known rule here, and generally accepted.
▪ Under generally accepted accounting principles, companies may use straight-line or one of the accelerated methods of depreciation for financial accounting purposes.
▪ They would never accept him back.
▪ He did it on philosophical grounds, and never accepted the medal or the money.
Never accept ActiveX controls unless you're absolutely positive they're from a reputable firm.
Never accept a lift from some one you've just met!
▪ Profit for financial investors was allowed to encourage their investment; but it was never accepted as the purpose of the corporation.
▪ Nomatterhow strong the historical evidence for the resurrection, we shall never accept it.
▪ When he died I was so sad, not just because he died but because he never accepted the Lord.
▪ Consistently, the results indicate that this mixture is readily accepted by the plant.
▪ Yet they readily accepted Joseph Alsop when he arrived in 1902.
▪ One readily accepts this interpretative excellent, but what is the cost?
▪ In accepting both what I like and don't like in her, I can more readily accept both aspects in myself.
▪ Those who have differing political philosophies may readily accept and utilise a concept of proportionality.
▪ What is more, painful remedies have been most readily accepted from those governments unburdened by past mistakes and old dogmas.
▪ Now, I was more readily accepted by my black friends than my white friends.
▪ This document won praise from the liberal majority at the Council, and was readily accepted, subject to a few amendments.
▪ That is widely accepted by all those involved in health and safety both in Britain and throughout the world.
▪ Yet the reaction to date does not suggest that this idea has been widely accepted.
▪ The importance of incremental learning in some aspects of the curriculum is now widely accepted.
▪ I had memorized those few facts widely accepted by Princeton undergraduates to be part of an investment banking interview survival kit.
▪ The retirement impact hypothesis appeared to spread quickly and to be widely accepted, particularly in governmental and other widely disseminated documents.
▪ It soon became widely accepted that Mercury, like the Moon facing Earth, always kept the same side facing the Sun.
▪ However, through the 1950s and early 1960s it became widely accepted by biologists.
▪ It is still widely accepted today.
▪ And the woman, believed to be a pretty mum in her twenties, has accepted his apology.
▪ I want to say I do accept his apology.
▪ And I've accepted your apology.
▪ Again, please accept our apologies.
▪ Please accept our apologies if any event or occasion was overlooked.
▪ Please accept our apologies for taking so long to send the materials that you requested.
▪ Of course we accept his apologies with every grace.
▪ Somehow they must find the courage to accept the challenge.
▪ So he has accepted their challenge to run a marathon in 2 hours, 10 minutes, 45 seconds to qualify.
▪ Oh yes, just like him, we're going out there to win, to accept the challenge with a will.
▪ Mayor Willie Brown, rather than accepting the challenge, shifted the onus back on recalcitrant neighbors.
▪ In an attempt to copy her sister Sarah's exploits she accepted a challenge which nearly got her expelled.
▪ It required a trader to accept all challenges.
▪ This puts theology in a much stronger position to accept the challenge posed by historians and philosophers.
▪ The Marquis does not wish to accept the challenge from an old man but Juan insists.
▪ I've learned to accept the fact of being a rock star and how big the band's become.
▪ At some point Rudi seemed to have accepted the fact that he would never satisfy his intellectual ambitions.
▪ Arthur soon accepted the fact that he would have to settle for second best.
▪ Refuse to accept the fact that the gambolling lamb in the field is their future Sunday lunch.
▪ Today, very late, we are coming to accept the fact that the harvest of renewable resources must be controlled.
▪ Sadly, she accepted the fact that there was now little chance of a tête-à-tête.
▪ Any city manager accepts the fact that he or she is at the mercy of the council majority, he said.
▪ The child increasingly is capable of evaluating arguments rather than simply accepting preformed unilateral ideas.
▪ The decline of infant mortality makes it easier to accept the idea of smaller family size.
▪ When you accept new ideas in the course of a compromise, you benefit. 3.
▪ My father would not accept the idea.
▪ Not everyone accepts the idea of the Neolithic period as woman-centered.
▪ Are the group members flexible enough to accept ideas and opinions different from their own?
▪ But if the people who accepted the idea of wartime service for their sons expected honor or understanding, they were mistaken.
▪ Two hundred of them accepted the invitation, ending their visit with tea and scones in the school hall.
▪ She had accepted the invitation as a walk on the very wild side.
▪ We have asked you here and you have accepted our invitation.
▪ Alvin accepted the invitation and planned for the tour with all his usual energy and sense of organization.
▪ Perhaps she had already compromised herself beyond recall by accepting the invitation.
▪ We decided on the way home that we would accept no more such invitations.
▪ So far, there has not been a great rush to accept the president's invitation, now several years old.
▪ You do not have to accept this offer, but it makes sense to do so.
▪ He retired from the Navy in 1979 to accept an offer to be president of the Citadel military college in South Carolina.
▪ However, Richard Baxter was hesitant to accept this offer for other reasons also.
▪ They're selling off their shares for cash rather than accepting Wanadoo's offer of 0.225 shares for every Freeserve share.
▪ In his Charlton days, Lawrence was forced to accept any reasonable offer to ease the club's financial crisis.
▪ It was not until two years later, however, that Clark accepted Chapman's offer to join the team.
▪ They might therefore be fearful of losing out if they accept a tender offer prematurely.
▪ Your Directors certainly have no intention of accepting the offer in respect of their own shareholdings.
▪ That episcopal ordination made one a member of the episcopal college was accepted in principle by the second session.
▪ Under generally accepted accounting principles, companies may use straight-line or one of the accelerated methods of depreciation for financial accounting purposes.
▪ I think Mr. Lloyd accepted, in principle, that that would be so.
▪ The term generally accepted accounting principles is somewhat debatable in the field of financial accounting.
▪ It is accepted that the Rechsstaat principle is implied by Article 20.
▪ Once Asquith had accepted the principle of state-financed pensions he had to decide to whom they should be paid.
▪ He has accepted it in principle, which does him great credit.
▪ Councillors yesterday accepted the idea in principle after a presentation by Homesmith.
▪ Under this threat, Churchill sent a long reply on 28 November, explaining why Britain could not accept Berle's proposals.
▪ How could she accept the proposal of a man she had known for only a few weeks.
▪ As we have seen, there are good reasons for accepting this proposal.
▪ They are demanding that Clinton accept much of their proposal before they will increase the debt ceiling limit.
▪ Campaigners now hope parish councillors will abandon their scheme for 30 new lights and accept alternative proposals instead.
▪ Then his girlfriend decides to accept the marriage proposal of an-other man.
▪ There has never been any reason why the United States should accept this type of proposal.
▪ The Shah seemed to Sullivan to accept the proposal.
▪ But the council, the majority of which backs Byrd, never accepted the resignation, an apparent violation of state law.
▪ How different things are now than in 1992, when President Bush refused to accept the resignation of Adm.
▪ Finally, on June 29, Pérez accepted the resignations of six Cabinet ministers and five more junior government members.
▪ I must beg therefore to give up the appointment and request you to accept my Resignation.
▪ President Yeltsin overruled their objections on his return from holiday, and refused to accept Saburov's resignation in protest.
▪ We too need to accept the responsibility to act peacefully and protest constructively.
▪ We are either to have an Army of soldiers or he will not accept the responsibility for the Army.
▪ But the Government had to face the realities and accept responsibilities, he said.
▪ Anyway, I accepted responsibility and apologized and expressed deep remorse.
▪ The Independent Labour Party was thus forced to accept full responsibility for continuing the dispute.
▪ The parents accepted their responsibility for helping Mark, but in spite of their efforts, the problem worsened.
▪ The average human being learns, under proper conditions, not only to accept but to seek responsibility.
▪ And Mayleas has accepted the responsibility of finding the money.
▪ It is difficult in this case not to accept the view of the.
▪ Not that there was a generally accepted view of how, they might be different.
▪ Mr. Dunn Does my hon. Friend accept my view that the Labour party would really like tied workers living in tied cottages?
▪ This used to be a widely accepted view.
▪ Labour and the Liberal Democrats appear to accept without question the view that our constitution is absurdly out of date.
▪ The Catholic sector is unable to accept such a view.
▪ The Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution and government ministers accept this view.
▪ Obviously Mr Lamont accepts this view and the overall balance he has struck would seem to be right.
▪ One analysis is that a party to the Protocol has agreed to accept some treaty obligations.
▪ The senators started at one hundred thousand, but agreed to accept seventy-five thousand.
▪ The covenantee can not have both the promised performance and some other performance which he agrees to accept.
▪ Candidates can get around the cap if they agree to accept individual contributions of no more than $ 150&038;.
▪ Semen infected with hepatitis or syphilis can be donated, but only if a woman agrees to accept it.
▪ Lucille got to talking with the defendant, Freddy Mack, and agreed to accept a ride home.
▪ She identified the most likely candidate as Leach, who, she said, had agreed to accept her nomination.
▪ President Reagan agreed to accept tax increases immediately in exchange for spending cuts to be named later.
▪ Families who are desperate for housing are forced to accept bad housing offers simply because they have no other choice.
▪ The mediator merely functions as a facilitator and has no legal power to force the parties to accept these suggestions.
▪ In his Charlton days, Lawrence was forced to accept any reasonable offer to ease the club's financial crisis.
▪ Now that she was forced to accept that she hadn't, Celia began to panic.
▪ They forced her not to accept the house.
▪ Paling forces the reader to accept that resolution is not always possible.
▪ My father threatened to punish them, so they were forced to accept my company.
▪ This true type, having found her man, was forced to accept that biology was indeed destiny.
▪ Officials are preparing new figures after accepting that estimates by their own consultants, Touche Ross, are inaccurate.
▪ But Edwards, who was prepared to accept £10 million from Knighton, is believed to want nearer £30 million now.
▪ The Treasury was prepared to accept this provided there was no commitment to immediate action.
▪ The regents were not prepared to accept such returns.
▪ Locke was evidently not prepared to accept this.
▪ People who six months ago might have been on £25,000 a year are now prepared to accept considerably less.
▪ If they are not prepared to accept them jointly, they should not have children at all.
▪ There are opportunities here for solicitors who are prepared to accept that the conveyancing service can be better delivered.
▪ So deeply ingrained is our instinct to search for a pattern that we refuse to accept any input as genuinely random.
▪ Tenants who refuse to accept leases are given notice to quit and find themselves on the streets after years of loyal service.
▪ But he refused to accept such a fate.
▪ They refused to accept Morgan's assertion that the gens and group marriage were characteristic of the earlier human societies.
▪ Herbert 92X refused to accept a plea bargain, since he regarded what had happened as an accident.
▪ Because of its sometimes precarious economic position, no rank would refuse to accept the king's wage.
▪ A civilization generally refuses to accept a cultural innovation that calls in question one of its own structural elements.
▪ It seems to be accepted that peers are not expected to contact the Lord Chancellor's department before they speak extrajudicially in public.
▪ At some point Rudi seemed to have accepted the fact that he would never satisfy his intellectual ambitions.
▪ Now that we were adults, she seemed to accept me as a friend.
▪ But Chiron did do this and Zeus seems to have accepted him as a substitute.
▪ We seem unable to accept the world as it is.
▪ But the Bruins seemed to accept their plight, rather than challenge it, and that may have most distressed Harrick.
▪ Mr Howie does not, but seems to have accepted that the criticism has ruined his board's plans.
▪ They seem to accept his new role, primarily as a power forward, and marveled at his increased bulk.
▪ After a three week strike, the company has finally accepted the workers' pay demands.
▪ Alice accepted the job of sales manager.
▪ Divorce is hard on children, but they have to accept it.
▪ Do you accept travelers' checks here?
▪ Going to a new school is hard, but you have to try and accept it.
▪ I decided to accept the job.
▪ I finally accepted the fact that I would die if I didn't stop smoking.
▪ If they offered you a place on the course, would you accept it?
▪ In the US, people have come to accept that they will probably have several different jobs over the course of their career.
▪ It was difficult for Paul to accept the fact that he was going bald.
▪ My parents have always accepted me just as I am.
▪ Norton is in prison for accepting bribes.
▪ Owens refused to accept Bisonga's explanation.
▪ People are beginning to accept the idea that higher taxes may be necessary.
▪ She'll never accept that her husband has been unfaithful.
▪ She succeeded in persuading the jury to accept her version of the events.
▪ Steptoe finally accepted that his son didn't want to continue working in the family business.
▪ The idea of a common defence force has been accepted by some EU governments.
▪ The judge accepted that Carter did not mean to harm anyone.
▪ The office does not accept applications from non-residents.
▪ But wordings which did not take the shape of a request also soon came to be accepted.
▪ One day, not long before he died, he accepted it.
▪ The child's solicitor must serve and accept service of documents on the child's behalf where there is no guardian.
▪ The end user must have an Internet browser capable of accepting and playing the applet.
▪ With subtle flattery she had gradually been accepted by the housekeeper.
▪ Yet they have helped persuade a suspicious population to accept Mr Salinas's much-needed reforms.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Accept \Ac*cept"\ ([a^]k*s[e^]pt"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Accepted; p. pr. & vb. n. Accepting.] [F. accepter, L. acceptare, freq. of accipere; ad + capere to take; akin to E. heave.]

  1. To receive with a consenting mind (something offered); as, to accept a gift; -- often followed by of.

    If you accept them, then their worth is great.

    To accept of ransom for my son.

    She accepted of a treat.

  2. To receive with favor; to approve.

    The Lord accept thy burnt sacrifice.
    --Ps. xx.

  3. Peradventure he will accept of me.
    --Gen. xxxii. 20.

    3. To receive or admit and agree to; to assent to; as, I accept your proposal, amendment, or excuse.

  4. To take by the mind; to understand; as, How are these words to be accepted?

  5. (Com.) To receive as obligatory and promise to pay; as, to accept a bill of exchange.

  6. In a deliberate body, to receive in acquittance of a duty imposed; as, to accept the report of a committee. [This makes it the property of the body, and the question is then on its adoption.]

    To accept a bill (Law), to agree (on the part of the drawee) to pay it when due.

    To accept service (Law), to agree that a writ or process shall be considered as regularly served, when it has not been.

    To accept the person (Eccl.), to show favoritism. ``God accepteth no man's person.''
    --Gal. ii. 6.

    Syn: To receive; take; admit. See Receive.


Accept \Ac*cept"\, a. Accepted. [Obs.]

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

late 14c., "to take what is offered," from Old French accepter (14c.) or directly from Latin acceptare "take or receive willingly," frequentative of accipere "receive," from ad- "to" (see ad-) + capere "to take" (see capable). Related: Accepted; accepting.

  1. (context obsolete English) Accepted. v

  2. 1 (context transitive English) To receive, especially with a consent, with favour, or with approval. 2 (context transitive English) To admit to a place or a group. 3 (context transitive English) To regard as proper, usual, true, or to believe in. 4 (context transitive English) To receive as adequate or satisfactory. 5 (context transitive English) To receive or admit to; to agree to; to assent to; to submit to. 6 (context transitive English) To endure patiently. 7 (context transitive legal business English) To agree to pay. 8 (context transitive English) To receive officially 9 (context intransitive English) To receive something willingly.

  1. v. consider or hold as true; "I cannot accept the dogma of this church"; "accept an argument" [ant: reject]

  2. receive willingly something given or offered; "The only girl who would have him was the miller's daughter"; "I won't have this dog in my house!"; "Please accept my present" [syn: take, have] [ant: refuse]

  3. give an affirmative reply to; respond favorably to; "I cannot accept your invitation"; "I go for this resolution" [syn: consent, go for] [ant: refuse]

  4. react favorably to; consider right and proper; "People did not accept atonal music at that time"; "We accept the idea of universal health care"

  5. admit into a group or community; "accept students for graduate study"; "We'll have to vote on whether or not to admit a new member" [syn: admit, take, take on]

  6. take on as one's own the expenses or debts of another person; "I'll accept the charges"; "She agreed to bear the responsibility" [syn: bear, take over, assume]

  7. tolerate or accommodate oneself to; "I shall have to accept these unpleasant working conditions"; "I swallowed the insult"; "She has learned to live with her husband's little idiosyncracies" [syn: live with, swallow]

  8. be designed to hold or take; "This surface will not take the dye" [syn: take]

  9. of a deliberative body: receive (a report) officially, as from a committee

  10. make use of or accept for some purpose; "take a risk"; "take an opportunity" [syn: take]

  11. be sexually responsive to, used of a female domesticated mammal; "The cow accepted the bull"


Accept may refer to:

  • Acceptance, a person's assent to the reality of a situation
  • Accept (band), German heavy metal band
    • Accept (Accept album), their debut album from 1979
  • Accept (Chicken Shack album), 1970
  • Accept (organization), a Romanian LGBT rights organisation
  • accept , a computer programming function provided by the Berkeley sockets API
Accept (Chicken Shack album)

Accept is the fourth album by the blues band, Chicken Shack, released in 1970. Accept was Chicken Shack's last album on the Blue Horizon label. This album was also the last for Andy Sylvester, Dave Bidwell and Paul Raymond as members of Chicken Shack. It also marks a departure from pure blues to a more progressive and psychedelic sound.

Accept (band)

Accept is a German heavy metal band from the town of Solingen, originally assembled by former vocalist Udo Dirkschneider, guitarist Wolf Hoffmann and bassist Peter Baltes. Their beginnings can be traced back to the late 1960s. The band played an important role in the development of speed and thrash metal, being part of the German heavy metal scene, which emerged in the early to mid-1980s. Accept achieved commercial success with their fifth studio album Balls to the Wall (1983), which is the band's only album to be certified gold in the United States and Canada, and spawned their well-known hit " Balls to the Wall".

Following their disbandment in 1997 and short-lived reunion in 2005, Accept reunited again in 2009 with former T.T. Quick frontman Mark Tornillo replacing Dirkschneider, and released their three highest charting albums to date, Blood of the Nations (2010), Stalingrad (2012) and Blind Rage (2014), the latter of which was Accept's first album to reach number one on the charts in their home country. Accept is currently preparing to work on a new album, which is due for release in 2017.

Accept (organization)

Accept is a nongovernmental organization that advocates for the rights of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender ( LGBT) people in Romania. It is based in Bucharest and also acts as the Romanian representative at ILGA-Europe. The organisation also advocates on behalf of individuals with HIV- AIDS and carries out several programs to encourage safe sex.

Accept was founded in 1996. At the time, the Article 200 from the Romanian legislation was in effect, which criminalised same-sex relationships and contributed to human rights violations, including police abuse against LGBT people. The main aim of Accept, early in its history, was to lobby and campaign against this piece of legislation. Accept had a decisive position in the repeal of Article 200 in 2001. Its role is recognized by everyone fighting for equality of LGBTs, including the European institutions, as it was awarded the 1999 EGALITE Prize in the European Commission, being also nominated for the Sakharov Prize of the same year by the European Parliament.

Since 2004, Accept has also been the organizer of GayFest (known today as Bucharest Pride), the yearly Romanian gay pride festival (complete with a pride march on its closing day). The first pride march took place in 2005.

During 2005–2006, Accept has published two periodical publications: Inklusiv, a bimonthly LGBT magazine, and ENOLA, a magazine designed for lesbians and bisexual women. Both were distributed throughout Romania (Inklusiv was free).

Since 24 March 2008, the organization has also run "INFO Accept", a hotline for LGBT support issues such as coming out, overcoming discrimination or questions regarding sexual orientation.

Accept (Accept album)

Accept is the self-titled debut album released by German heavy metal band Accept. It was recorded in 1978 and released in early 1979 on the German label Brain Records. Drums on the record are played by Frank Friedrich, but he chose not to pursue a professional music career and so his place was taken by Stefan Kaufmann just prior to the album's release. Bassist Peter Baltes performs lead vocals on "Seawinds" and "Sounds of War".

Guitarist Wolf Hoffmann later remembered the debut as simply a collection of songs the band had worked up over the band's formative years, with no real focus for the band yet: "We were just playing songs that we had always played. It was material that had gathered up over the first few months and years of our existence and it was a mixture of all kinds of stuff." He also recalls it selling around 3,000 copies. Lead vocalist Udo Dirkschneider expressed dissatisfaction with the group's first effort looking back on it: "Naturally, it was very exciting for us the first time we entered a recording studio but also disappointing at the same time." Accept would gain better production values and a more cohesive direction on future releases, but the debut was an important early step that gained them the ability to play the neighbouring countries of Belgium, the Netherlands and France for the first time.

Swedish metal band Therion covered "Seawinds" on Crowning of Atlantis (1999)

Usage examples of "accept".

Will pegged as physically being able to visit those other realms, he had a hard time accepting their existence and his ability to travel to them.

The author is prepared, after careful consideration, to accept and professionally indorse, with few exceptions, the conclusions as to the probable character of the decimating diseases of the passengers and crew of the MAY-FLOWER, so ably and interestingly presented by Dr.

These Sea Folk were not like the aborigines of Ruwenda, accustomed to obey the laws of the White Lady and freely accepting Kadiya as their leader.

This dictum became, two years later, accepted doctrine when the Court invalidated a State law on the ground that it abridged freedom of speech contrary to the due process clause of Amendment XIV.

That determination had become an obsession now, which he recognized for what it was-the sole reason for his survival and for his recently taken decision firstly to be accepted as a reformed and model prisoner at Port Arthur and secondly to abscond therefrom.

An Englishman took the bill, and after a careful examination said he neither knew the drawer, the accepter, nor the backer.

While we cannot solicit donations from people in states where we are not yet registered, we know of no prohibition against accepting donations from donors in these states who approach us with an offer to donate.

In spite of all these considerations, I felt a sort of pleasure in accepting for ready cash all the counterfeit coins that she had spread out before me.

As the hour for supper drew near, I excused myself so well that Madame Orio could not insist upon my accepting her invitation to stay.

When I saw Nanette in my arms, beaming with love, and Marton near the bed, holding a candle, with her eyes reproaching us with ingratitude because we did not speak to her, who, by accepting my first caresses, had encouraged her sister to follow her example, I realized all my happiness.

After breakfast I sent for mine host and ordered an excellent supper for five persons, feeling certain that Don Sancio, whom I expected in the evening, would not refuse to honour me by accepting my invitation, and with that idea I made up my mind to go without my dinner.

He invited me to come and spend a whole day with him, naming the days when I would be certain to find him at home, but he advised me to consult the Pacha Osman before accepting his invitation.

Always superstitious, I was on the point of accepting, and that for the most foolish reason-namely, that there would be no premeditation in that strange resolution, and it might be the impulse of fate.

Take a seat, and tell me what there is to prevent you, when, in accepting my offer, you are sure to please M.

She was curious to know all the circumstances of my miserable adventure, and, accepting it as an expiation, I related them to her.