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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Accadian \Ac*ca"di*an\, a. [From the city Accad. See Gen. x. 10.] Pertaining to a race supposed to have lived in Babylonia before the Assyrian conquest. [1913 Webster] -- Ac*ca"di*an, n., Ac"cad, n.


a. Pertaining to a race supposed to have lived in Babylonia before the Assyrian conquest. n. A person from Accad.

Usage examples of "accadian".

Such was the form of the earth according to the authors of the Accadian magical formulae and the Chaldean astrologers of after years.

All this, if you please, because I have brought away the image of a god that none of their forefathers can have seen for generations, since the tablets buried with it, written in old Accadian, show that it was set beneath the angle of the temple, probably in a time of danger at least a thousand years ago.

Corsarius, and a personal notebook in the hand of Christopher Sim, are on display at the Center for Accadian Studies.