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white ash
  1. n. small to medium-sized tree of Australia and Tasmania having smooth white to light-grey bark shedding in patches or strips [syn: snow gum, ghost gum, Eucalyptus coriacea, Eucalyptus pauciflora]

  2. spreading American ash with leaves pale green or silvery beneath and having hard brownish wood [syn: Fraxinus Americana]

Usage examples of "white ash".

After a moment, white ash sprayed across the secondary sewage tunnel below, some rising on hot sewer air and gas into the cooler fresh air of the street above.

He loosed another bolt of chaos along the tunnel wall closest to him, but all that resulted were cleaner bricks and white ash.

When he looked up, his shields down, the center of the room remained a drifting pile of white ash.

Within sight of the small city's squat walls, the remnants of massive bonfires dotted the landscape like round barrows dusted with white ash.

He padded toward the duke and, standing back but slightly, concentrated chaos on the body until nothing remained but drifting white ash and a belt knife.

Where men and women had stood a moment earlier there was nothing but white ash.

Light is energy, and if I could keep light from touching me, I ought to be able to keep from being turned into white ash.

He'd turned up one leg of his jeans into a small cuff and from time to time he leaned and tipped into this receptacle the soft white ash of his cigarette.