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water jug

n. a jug that holds water

Usage examples of "water jug".

They ate with their mouths open, drank with their mouths full, grabbed for the butter dish and knocked over the water jug, quarrelled and hit each other, and flatly refused to eat Sophie's wholesome vegetables and puddings.

No One retrieved his water jug, shivered, and began making his way toward the highgrass.

As Tiamak washed his hands in the water bowl he had put out before leaving, crouching because there was no room to sit between his obsessively scraped and polished writing board and his water jug, he heard a scratching sound on the roof.

She must have been at the well, for the blood trail started there, and the water jug lay broken beside it.

Gird walked back up, outside the fallen grain, and took a pull from the water jug one of the women held.

He crawled into the kitchen and pulled himself up to reach the water jug on the counter, drank a long, sloppy draught from that, then he opened the easiest cabinet to reach-the grain bin-and sat down in front of it to munch a handful of the dry seeds.

But I've got to open this door in order to set the water jug inside.

As soon as Tommy and his chubby friend had obeyed orders and withdrawn to old Sam's cot across the room, Hilton unlocked the door and set the water jug on the floor.

But I must admit you make it sound pretty logical, provided Gerard didn't break his water jug during the past few days, and didn't give his gray suit to one of the crew to be cleaned.

In his left hand he held a translucent jade water jug and in his right hand rested a bright white lotus flower.

He relinquished Jamie into my arms, and went to the table for a cloth and the water jug.

He cast a quick glance at his water jug, knowing as he did so that it was nearly empty,A shout pulled his attention back to the track below, and he nearly lost his': grip on the rock.

When he had watered the horses, Gil came to where Taita sat on a boulder overlooking the wadi of Gebel Wadun and handed him a ceramic water jug.