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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
underprivileged youth
▪ Princess Anne has done much to help underprivileged children all over the world.
▪ An ambitious bar association volunteer program for assisting the underprivileged quickly followed.
▪ He pledged more funding for pregnant women's nutrition, childhood immunisations, and pre-school programmes for underprivileged children.
▪ He supported orphanages and schools, underprivileged children went on camping holidays at his expense.
▪ I believed that without a uniform we were more identified with the poor and underprivileged.
▪ Infected rates are high among urban elites as well as among the poor and underprivileged.
▪ Jane Addams was awarded the Nobel Prize for her inventive work with underprivileged women and children.
Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1896, from under + past participle of privilege (v.). Noun use (short for underprivileged persons) is attested from 1935.


a. deprived of the opportunities and advantages of others. n. A deprived person; deprived people.


adj. lacking the rights and advantages of other members of society [ant: privileged]

Usage examples of "underprivileged".

Young priests are leaving, some to get married, women are demanding to be allowed into the priesthood, the Vatican itself is critized for hoarding its vast wealth and not using it to feed the starving, to help the underprivileged, criticized for not condemning the violence in Northern Ireland more strongly, openly mocked its outdated views on birth control, divorce, and plenty of other topics which seem to have no relevance to today s society.

Tollip, who suggests that we merge in some vast superstate with every Tom, Dick, and Harry, no matter what their color or race or how underprivileged they are, thus pulling down our standard of living to the level of the lowest common denominator.

Most of them came out of the public sector or from organizations committed to improving economic, political and social conditions for the underrepresented and the underprivileged.

Though the name does not appear on published maps, Wynwood comprises a sixtyblock, half-square-mile area in mid-Miami with a mainly underprivileged white populace, plus a grim record of high crime, riots, looting, and police brutality.

He stood for a second, dipped his knees slightlysomething my father always did when his underwear got stuck in some netherland crevice, instructing me, a mere boy, that this was the civilized alternative to manual extrication, that boorish hobby of the underprivileged and the insaneand then sat down again in the black and ivory barber chair, refreshed and jacketless, his steel-drum chest eliminating any slight pleat or wrinkle from the muted blue shirt he was wearing.

Now the violence and terrorism in the underprivileged, divided, wartorn half-world was moving nearer, ever nearer, to American The Evening News 537 soil.

In short: encourage the view that the Internet is a medium catering to the needs of the community and the underprivileged, a mostly altruist endeavour.

And color, too, in the language of the streets, the profanity interlaced with the pseudo-musical jargon, the English of the underprivileged, and the bastardized Spanish, the Jewish peddler shouting his wares with a heavy Yiddish accent, the woman on the street corner wailing psalms to the indifferent blue sky of April.

He threw parties for underprivileged kids and operated his bail bond business at a loss.

If he played golf with the Ambassador he also played tennis with Simon Pitt, attended jolly beach parties with the junior staff and flung himself upon the diplomatic community's periodic frenzied efforts to raise conscience money for the underprivileged of Panama, of whom there was mercifully held to be an inexhaustible supply.

Whenever it was possible he showed films free of charge at, for instance, a Knights of Pythias evening for underprivileged kids or any charity event in Ste.

It's high time you two poor, underprivileged outlanders tasted a real old Southern mint julep.

It's a deal with a mission—a worthy, public-spirited mission—to manage the nationalized properties of the various People's States of South America, to teach their workers our modern techniques of production, to help the underprivileged who've never had a chance, to—" He broke off abruptly, though she had merely sat looking at him without shifting her glance.

Surely he won't object to my Jungle Slum clearance plan, my Pretties for the Underprivileged Program, and my Spiraling Price Support formula—.

Surely he won't object to my Jungle Slum clearance plan, my Pretties for the Underprivileged Program, and my Spiraling Price Support formula—.