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The Collaborative International Dictionary
To freshen the hawse

Freshen \Fresh"en\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Freshened; p. pr. & vb. n. Freshening]

  1. To make fresh; to separate, as water, from saline ingredients; to make less salty; as, to freshen water, fish, or flesh.

  2. To refresh; to revive. [Obs.]

  3. (Naut.) To relieve, as a rope, by change of place where friction wears it; or to renew, as the material used to prevent chafing; as, to freshen a hawse. -- Totten.

    To freshen ballast (Naut.), to shift Or restore it.

    To freshen the hawse, to pay out a little more cable, so as to bring the chafe on another part.

    To freshen the way, to increase the speed of a vessel.
    --Ham. Nav. Encyc.

To freshen the hawse

Hawse \Hawse\ (h[add]z or h[add]s; 277), n. [Orig. a hawse hole, or hole in the bow of the ship; cf. Icel. hals, h[=a]ls, neck, part of the bows of a ship, AS. heals neck. See Collar, and cf. Halse to embrace.]

  1. A hawse hole.

  2. (Naut.)

    1. The situation of the cables when a vessel is moored with two anchors, one on the starboard, the other on the port bow.

    2. The distance ahead to which the cables usually extend; as, the ship has a clear or open hawse, or a foul hawse; to anchor in our hawse, or athwart hawse.

    3. That part of a vessel's bow in which are the hawse holes for the cables.

      Athwart hawse. See under Athwart.

      Foul hawse, a hawse in which the cables cross each other, or are twisted together.

      Hawse block, a block used to stop up a hawse hole at sea; -- called also hawse plug.

      Hawse piece, one of the foremost timbers of a ship, through which the hawse hole is cut.

      Hawse plug. Same as Hawse block (above).

      To come in at the hawse holes, to enter the naval service at the lowest grade. [Cant]

      To freshen the hawse, to veer out a little more cable and bring the chafe and strain on another part.