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The Collaborative International Dictionary
To bring up the rear

Rear \Rear\, a. Being behind, or in the hindmost part; hindmost; as, the rear rank of a company.

Rear admiral, an officer in the navy, next in rank below a vice admiral and above a commodore. See Admiral.

Rear front (Mil.), the rear rank of a body of troops when faced about and standing in that position.

Rear guard (Mil.), the division of an army that marches in the rear of the main body to protect it; -- used also figuratively.

Rear line (Mil.), the line in the rear of an army.

Rear rank (Mil.), the rank or line of a body of troops which is in the rear, or last in order.

Rear sight (Firearms), the sight nearest the breech.

To bring up the rear, to come last or behind.

Usage examples of "to bring up the rear".

As for the guides, they were debarred from the pleasure of discourse, the one being placed in the van, and the other obliged to bring up the rear.

He motioned for Arch to go first and positioned himself close behind, allowing Numbers to bring up the rear.

Aris weaved through the petrified tangle until he caught the others, then placed Galaeron behind Takari and Melegaunt behind Vala, leaving Malik and his horse to bring up the rear.

Asayaga nodded and repeated the suggestion of the scout, making it an order, and detailing off four of his best runners to bring up the rear.

Luke went next, carrying the droid for a change, leaving Mara and Child Of Winds to bring up the rear.

Monkton lost his dignity and scuttled after him, leaving Darwin, smiling to himself, to bring up the rear.

The scientific team departed at once for San Luz, leaving Rick and Scotty to bring up the rear.

From June 27 to 29, Burgoyne paused at Crown Point to bring up the rear of his army and establish a military hospital.

Ebitt and Sandy followed Kemble and me at about ten yards' distance, with Heath and Shanagan to bring up the rear.