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The Collaborative International Dictionary
The unconditioned

Unconditioned \Un`con*di"tioned\, a.

  1. Not conditioned or subject to conditions; unconditional.

  2. (Metaph.) Not subject to condition or limitations; infinite; absolute; hence, inconceivable; incogitable.
    --Sir W. Hamilton.

    The unconditioned (Metaph.), all that which is inconceivable and beyond the realm of reason; whatever is inconceivable under logical forms or relations.

Usage examples of "the unconditioned".

In fact, the connection between the conditioned stimulus or CS (tone or rat) and the unconditioned stimulus or UCS (food or loud noise) must make sense and be useful, otherwise an animal or human won't learn that connection.

The transcendental idea of a necessary and all-sufficient original Being is so overwhelming, so high above everything empirical, which is always conditioned, that we can never find in experience enough material to fill such a concept, and can only grope about among things conditioned, looking in vain for the unconditioned, of which no rule of any empirical synthesis can ever give us an example, or even show the way towards it.

A rat can learn to cross a barrier between one side of a box and the other in response to a signal which consists merely of the train of impulses to the hippocampus as the unconditioned stimulus.

The task that is now before us in the transcendental Dialectic which has to be developed from sources deeply hidden in the human reason, is this: to discover the correctness or otherwise the falsehood of the principle that the series of conditions (in the synthesis of phenomena, or of objective thought in general) extends to the unconditioned, and what consequences result therefrom with regard to the empirical use of the understanding:—.

Although dwellers on the heavenly planets like Hiranyaloka are almost freed from any necessity of eating, still higher is the unconditioned existence of almost completely liberated souls in the causal world, who eat nothing save the manna of bliss.

Monoxide and smog hung heavily in the unconditioned air, but I had antisoot plugs.

Sociality comes as easily to the unconditioned mind as reason or sex.

He discovered many of the basic learning processes, such as the necessary timing when pairing the conditioned stimulus with the unconditioned stimulus, inhibition, extinction, generalization, discrimination, higher order conditioning, and others.