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take the heat

vb. (context idiomatic English) To take the blame; to be the focus of anger or scrutiny; to take the consequences.

Usage examples of "take the heat".

And during the primaries, he was not in a position to take the heat from this debacle.

It will take the heat and keep the rain and wind out of the room, as well as the smoke.

She was seventy or eighty meters away, very long range for a pistol, but she squeezed off a couple of shots anyway, to take the heat off Sholudenko.

She set down the lamp, on the little table by the door from which she'd taken it, just when she thought her fingers couldn't take the heat anymore, and for a moment she held her right hand to her lips, trying to soothe the burn.

This, if the smoke did not take the heat out with it, would be enough to maintain an equal temperature inside.

If we can accomplish this, we can take the heat off the paratroopers once they are sent in, and we can clear the way for the big attack on the enemy supply lines.

I give you an out, where I'll take the heat from Dolph, but nooo, you're going to show Dolph that you're just as stubborn and bullheaded as he is.