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surf casting

n. casting (artificial) bait far out into the ocean (up to 200 yards) with the waves breaking around you [syn: surf fishing]

Usage examples of "surf casting".

Just a fisherman out for a little moonlight surf casting, I guess.

Suma, walking alone at sunset, had spied her standing in the surf casting a net into the rolling breakers.

One summer he had gone surf casting near Marblehead, alone on the gray dawn beach, using borrowed equipment, heaving the cut bait out as far as he could, retrieving it slowly, the surf smashing against his thighs.

He had gone there on a Sunday afternoon to try his hand at surf casting off Million Dollar Row, a stretch of beach noted for its huge, abandoned hotels.

He spent endless hours fishing when he was there, sometimes surf casting and sometimes from a small dinghy he liked to putt around in.