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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ A poll of historians in late 1996 that ranked him as a below-average president sent him into a snit.
Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"state of agitation, fit of temper," 1939, American English, of unknown origin. First in Claire Boothe's "Kiss the Boys Good-bye," which gives it a U.S. Southern context.


n. 1 A temper; a lack of patience; a bad mood. 2 A U.S. unit of volume for liquor equal to 2 jiggers, 3 U.S. fluid ounces, or 88.7 milliliters. 3 (context US dialect English) A beer chaser commonly served in three-ounce servings in highball or juice glasses with a Bloody Mary cocktail in the upper midwest states of United States including Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Michigan, and Illinois.


n. a state of agitated irritation; "he was in a snit"


Snit is an object-oriented extension to the Tcl programming language. Snit is a recursive acronym that stands for "Snit's Not Incr Tcl." Snit is a pure Tcl object and megawidget system. It is unique among Tcl object systems in that it is based not on inheritance but on delegation. Object systems based on inheritance only allow inheriting from classes defined using the same system, which is limiting. In Tcl, an object is anything that acts like an object; it shouldn't matter how the object was implemented. Snit is intended to help build applications out of the code at hand. Thus, Snit is designed to be able to incorporate and build on any object, whether a hand-coded object, a Tk widget, an Incr Tcl object, a BWidget or almost anything else.

Usage examples of "snit".

Sir Whosis was still in a snit and launched a tirade about how his lady had been mistreated by all for some time and how I was just the latest and worst offender.

Madeline leveled a scathing glare at her, collected a piece of ladyish needlework into her sewing basket, and exited in a major snit.

He might have been reduced to a perfect snit at whatever it was that had annoyed him during the autographing, so that he had flounced up to his room, grabbed his belongings, checked out of the hotel, and gone back to New Jersey.

Even when they were in a snit, they built these things like actors re-creating psychodramas from a transcript.

Persitum, the con nective tissue between the Mauritum and the Rhomatum Webs, was at the moment in a power crisis, having lost Rhomatum thanks to the destruction of the ring and Mauri tum in (she would imagine) a temper snit from Garetti.

Parlor-Game commencing, Rebekah and I moving out of the Observatory, down to Feather Row, trudging up and down that hill at all Hours, with William going ev'rywhere in a sort of Sling, then, before anyone quite realizes it, Susannah has mov'd in next door, Bradley begins visiting, at first penitent, then abject, soon he's there ev'ry night, takes to dropping in on us, hinting about, presently we're together as a foursome, boating upon the River, playing at Cards upon Nights of Cloud or Storm, Pope Joan, Piquet, Rebekah's sweet Voice, Susannah's hands never touch'd by Sunlight, impossible not to gaze at, then we move up the hill again, whilst Bradley in some small flaring Snit takes our old Feather Row quarters.

Though dressed casually in jeans and a sweater, she carried herself as regally as a queen-or, to be more accurate, a spoiled princess throwing a snit fit.

You can have your privacy when you need it, and your neurotic little snits, but I won't put up with my wife closing doors between us.

The neurotic little snits left her speechless, but the my wife freed her tongue again.

Even without Rhoda's periodic snits, he wasn't certain that anyone, including himself, really believed he was in charge.

Personally, he would rather have faced the Sulfurians or the Khleevi than that Linyaari female in a snit.