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set the pace

vb. 1 To establish the speed for a group to move at, for example in a race. 2 To establish a common goal by example

Usage examples of "set the pace".

Lan muttered about the laggardness of their travel, but it was he who set the pace and forced the rest to keep it.

As they hiked back to the Lion Camp, the rhythmic song set the pace, and the laughter eased the burden of carrying back the results of their hunting.

Shea set the pace, moving over the large obstacles as fast as he could, while Flick followed in his footsteps.

And on the fourth day after the night of the Dance, it was he who set the pace of their traveling.

His friends were truly surprised when he joined them on the road, but they were happy to have him along, and even Bruenor, so desperate to see his ancient homeland again, took care not to set the pace too far beyond Regis's ability to keep up.

He motioned his people to spread out, and at first set the pace across the level ground at a crouching run.

Onrack allowed his companion to set the pace as they made their way between the water-filled basins.

Once on that trail, the giff set the pace at a slow lope, taking care not to move too far ahead of the night-blind human.

Deornoth walked slowly, allowing the young Rimmersman to set the pace his wounded leg demanded.