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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ "Modern Romance" is a retread of some of his earlier work.
▪ This nostalgic retread was, like revenge, a dish best eaten cold.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Retread \Re*tread"\, v. t. & i. To tread again.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"to put a new tread on (a tire)," 1908, from re- "back, again" (see re-) + tread (q.v.). The noun is attested from 1914; in World War I it was Australian slang for "a re-enlisted soldier."


Etymology 1 n. 1 A used tire whose surface, the tread, has been replaced to extend its life and use. 2 (context military slang English) a person who re-entered military service in World War Two after serving in World War One. vb. To replace the traction-providing surface of a vehicle that employs tires, tracks or treads. Etymology 2

alt. (context transitive English) to tread again, to walk along again, to follow a path again. n. (context sometimes figurative English) A return over ground previously covered; a retraversal or repetition. vb. (context transitive English) to tread again, to walk along again, to follow a path again.

  1. n. a used automobile tire that has been remolded to give it new treads [syn: recap]

  2. v. use again in altered form; "retread an old plot" [syn: rework, make over]

  3. give new treads to (a tire) [syn: remold, remould]


Retread, also known as "recap," or a "remold" is a re-manufacturing process for tires that replace the tread on worn tires. Retreading is applied to casings of spent tires that have been inspected and repaired. It preserves about 90% of the material in spent tires and the material cost is about 20% compared to manufacturing a new one.

Usage examples of "retread".

The thing about this conversation, he realized, was that it was a retread, a game that filled vacant time but required no intellectual effort, and they had indulged in the game many times before.

Victorville, the roadside brush and the shoulder of the highway had been consistently glittering with broken bottles, contrasting with long black strips of retread thrown from truck tires.

Still, when something, when anything was wrong hi town, when a pump was frozen or a cow was sick or the outhouse had blown down, the call went out for Joe Mondragon, who would defy ram, hail, blizzards, tornadoes, and earthquakes hi order to skid his pickup with the four bald retreads and no spare to a stop hi your front yard and have the thing or the animal or whatever it was temporarily patched up and functioning again.

For over six years I used Bandag racing retreads on all my school cars with absolutely no problems and with great results.

I have consciously tried to avoid retreading old ground, and have presented the stories in the order in which they were written, so that you may follow a logical progression of thought, even if some of these processes appear oblique.

Glad to have escaped, yet melancholy in my very joy, I retrod my steps to Versailles.

He retrod his own footsteps to ten years of age, when the high mage himself instilled the lessons that readied the mind for the perilous initiations that opened the keys to grand conjury.

Again she called after him, and now he turneda patently false look of surprise pasted onto his faceand retrod his escape-route to greet her.

I have consciously tried to avoid retreading old ground, and have presented the stories in the order in which they were written, so that you may follow a logical progression of thought, even if some of these processes appear oblique.

In a field teeming with clones, retreads, and solipsistic doorstoppers, Wells dares—and gloriously succeeds—to be different.

We've heard that he's no longer schlepping hate pamphlets, that he's cleaned up the seedier aspects of his act, and that him and his Mormons are getting tight with that wellknown political retread Richard M.

Shelly led in a pair of uniformed cops, both retreads from earlier times helping out for the duration of the war, doing crowd control at the fights.

And this is Charley Rogers, who the jarheads around here refer tobehind our backs, of courseas the 'Retread Doggie General's Retread Dog Robber.

And this is Charley Rogers, who the jarheads around here refer to-behind our backs, of course-as the 'Retread Doggie General's Retread Dog Robber.

There we stood, this stack of shabby-looking, retread toruses, deputized with a noble job-explaining to envoys of six races the new order of life on this world.