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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Reading room

Reading \Read"ing\, a.

  1. Of or pertaining to the act of reading; used in reading.

  2. Addicted to reading; as, a reading community.

    Reading book, a book for teaching reading; a reader.

    Reading desk, a desk to support a book while reading; esp., a desk used while reading the service in a church.

    Reading glass, a large lens with more or less magnifying power, attached to a handle, and used in reading, etc.

    Reading man, one who reads much; hence, in the English universities, a close, industrious student.

    Reading room, a room appropriated to reading; a room provided with papers, periodicals, and the like, to which persons resort.

reading room

n. A room in a library set aside for reading.

reading room

n. a room set aside for reading

Reading room

Reading room may refer to:

  • Reference library
  • British Museum Reading Room
  • Christian Science Reading Room, a place where the public can study, borrow, or purchase Christian Science literature
  • The Reading Room, a 2005 drama film

Usage examples of "reading room".

I walked by the reading room before hiding the dope, but I didn't see him.