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ramp up

vb. 1 (context intransitive English) To increase rapidly to a new value. 2 (context transitive English) To increase (something) rapidly to a new value; to cause (something) to ramp up.

ramp up

v. bolster or strengthen; "We worked up courage"; "build up confidence"; "ramp up security in the airports" [syn: build up, work up, build]

Ramp up

Ramp up is a term used in economics and business to describe an increase in firm production ahead of anticipated increases in product demand. Alternatively, ramp up describes the period between product development, and maximum capacity utilization, characterized by product and process experimentation and improvements.

Ramp up in the first sense often occurs when a company strikes a deal with a distributor, retailer, or producer, which will substantially increase product demand. For example, in June, 2008, after launching a joint venture with Guangzhou Automobile, Toyota announced that it would “ramp up” production in China to meet expected increases in market demand by constructing a plant in Guangdong, which would produce some 120,000 additional Camry sedans. In the consumer electronics industry, manufacturers often ramp up production in the early fall to meet demand during the holiday selling season.

As ramp up is typical in early stages of firm or market development, the term and process is widely associated with venture capital, which seek to rapidly increase rate of return on investment, just prior to exit. For example, Wrightspeed, the producer of the X1 electric car prototype, began to seek out capital in order to hire on 50 well-trained employees in order to “ramp up” production in anticipation of sales successes.

Usage examples of "ramp up".

The airlock slid shut behind him, and he heard the groaning of the motor bringing the outer ramp up flush against the bulkhead.

There were two rows of eight spaces, fifteen altogether because the ramp up to the street was where the sixteenth would be.

I remembered my own fear and dizziness, climbing the ramp up the Wall and later walking along the narrow ledge high above the City's roofs.

Once outside, they made for the ship, entering quickly and bringing the ramp up behind them, but a glance beforehand assured Sabra that no one had bothered to follow.

Scattering replies to the questions about the injured-thank-you-for-your-concern or both-dragons-and-riders-will-be-fine, F'lar took Lessa's arm and, with some of Telgar's guards hastily opening a path for them, reached the ramp up to Telgar's forecourt.

Scattering replies to the questions about the injuredthank-you-for-your-concern or both-dragons-and-riders-will-be-fine, F'lar took Lessa's arm and, with some of Telgar's guards hastily opening a path for them, reached the ramp up to Telgar's forecourt.