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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
power pack
▪ Sometimes I am a real power pack of efficiency; then I hit a bad patch.
power pack

n. A portable power supply.

power pack

n. a device for converting a power supply to a voltage required by particular equipment

Power pack

Power pack may refer to:

Usage examples of "power pack".

These garments were relatively light and yet quite monstrous looking, being fully pressurized and hermetically sealed, each with its own power pack, air conditioning, oxygen supply, and so on.

He removed his sash, spread the compass parts on it, lifted out the power pack.

Just a few seconds more, and he would have the plug back in the power pack.

Even if the learning machine was completely destroyed, they still should be able to pick up residual neutron radiation from the power pack.

He hooked out the used power pack, still hot from its sudden discharge, and plugged in the new.