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a. After the punk movement.


Post-punk is a diverse type of rock music that emerged in the wake of the punk movement of the 1970s. Drawing inspiration from elements of punk rock while departing from its musical conventions and wider cultural affiliations, post-punk music was marked by varied, experimentalist sensibilities and its "conceptual assault" on rock tradition. Artists embraced electronic music, black dance styles and the avant-garde, as well as novel recording technology and production techniques. The movement also saw the frequent intersection of music with art and politics, as artists liberally drew inspiration from sources such as critical theory, cinema, performance art and modernist literature. Accompanying these musical developments were communities that produced visual art, multimedia performances, independent record labels and fanzines in conjunction with the music.

The early post-punk vanguard included groups such as Siouxsie and the Banshees, Wire, Public Image Ltd, Devo, Joy Division, Talking Heads, the Pop Group, Gang of Four, Throbbing Gristle and the Contortions. Post-punk was closely related to the development of ancillary genres such as gothic rock, no wave and industrial music. By the mid 1980s, much of the movement had dissipated while providing the impetus for the New Pop movement as well much subsequent alternative and independent music.

Usage examples of "post-punk".

I don't think I could survive without her wildly beating heart: the post-punks strutting their stuff in Ueno, the eternal electronics bazaar in Akihabara, the city of neon signs and deified symbols that mean nothing at all.

Post-punk models with spiked hair and painted faces glowered and sneered out of massive posters that hawked the latest compact disc player or stereo component.