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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Polack \Po"lack\, n. A Polander.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"Polish person," 1570s, from Polish Polak "(male) Polish person," related to Polanie "Poles," Polska "Poland," polski "Polish" (see Pole). In North American usage, "Polish immigrant, person of Polish descent" (1879) and in that context considered offensive in English. As an adjective from c.1600.


n. a person of Polish descent

Polack (surname)

Polak, aka Polack, Poláček or Pollack is a surname common in Germany, Denmark, the Czech Republic, and the United States. One of its meanings may be Polish man. It may refer to:

Polack (disambiguation)

Polack is a derogatory reference to a Pole or person of Polish descent.

Polack may also refer to:

  • Polack (surname)
  • Polatsk or Polack, a city in Belarus

The noun Polack ( or ); in the contemporary English language, is an ethnic slur and a derogatory reference to a person of Polish descent. It is an Anglicisation of the Polish language word Polak, which means a Polish male or a person of Polish nationality (feminine being Polka), with a neutral connotation. However, the English loanword "Polack" (note the spelling difference which does not appear in Polish - there is no "ck" combination in the Polish language) is considered an ethnic slur in the United States and the United Kingdom, and therefore is considered insulting in nearly all contemporary usages.

  1. Slang: Disparaging and Offensive (Random House Unabridged Dictionary)
  2. Offensive Slang used as a disparaging term for a person of Polish birth or descent (The American Heritage Dictionary)

Usage examples of "polack".

Bing Crosby and Ingrid Bergman now, or the Berrigans writing manifestos, or Polacks warning against godless communism and X-rated movies.

Now I use words all the time like nigger, spick, Polack, jewboy, Mick, even greaseball, which is people from Italy.

Ball comes down, conks him on that big thick Polack skull, bounces over the fence.

The dark one, Deacon Werra, a powerful, loose-limbed Polack with bad teeth and only two cauliflower ears, had the physique but didn't know anything but rough clinching and a giant swing that started in the basement and never connected.

He's always asking people why the Frenchman crossed the road or how many Polacks it takes to screw in a lightbulb or how many pallbearers there are at a Harlem funeral.