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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Pile \Pile\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Piled; p. pr. & vb. n. Piling.]

  1. To lay or throw into a pile or heap; to heap up; to collect into a mass; to accumulate; to amass; -- often with up; as, to pile up wood. ``Hills piled on hills.''
    --Dryden. ``Life piled on life.''

    The labor of an age in piled stones.

  2. To cover with heaps; or in great abundance; to fill or overfill; to load.

    To pile arms To pile muskets (Mil.), to place three guns together so that they may stand upright, supporting each other; to stack arms.


Piling \Pil"ing\, n. [See Pile a heap.]

  1. The act of heaping up.

  2. (Iron Manuf.) The process of building up, heating, and working, fagots, or piles, to form bars, etc.


Piling \Pil"ing\, n. [See Pile a stake.] A series of piles; piles considered collectively; as, the piling of a bridge.

Pug piling, sheet piles connected together at the edges by dovetailed tongues and grooves.

Sheet piling, a series of piles made of planks or half logs driven edge to edge, -- used to form the walls of cofferdams, etc.


n. 1 A structural support comprised of a length of wood, steel, or other construction material. 2 The act of heaping up. 3 (context ironworking English) The process of building up, heating, and working fagots or piles, to form bars, etc. vb. (present participle of pile English)


n. a column of wood or steel or concrete that is driven into the ground to provide support for a structure [syn: pile, spile, stilt]

Usage examples of "piling".

The agribusiness was thriving in that part of the state, and ever since the Copa de Oro Dam had been constructed in the late Sixties, the recreation dollars had been piling up, too.

Lieutenant Kaye, instead of piling on, ordered Gunning quietly to shorten sail, and made as if to bring Biter to and snug her for the night.

The woman kept piling on blankets, and the more furs she laid over her, the colder Kivrin got, as if the woman were somehow putting out the fire.

Sarkis agreed, watching the brown waters of the Eriza foam creamily against the pilings of the burned bridge.

Basically, Enron would make a massive bet on the timing of deregulation, with losses piling up until new rules came about.

Point Dume, houses began to appear, rilling the widening strip of land between the road and the ocean, properties piling up rapidly as the miles accrued.

The arms were soon again in evidence, however, as the machines spun deftly about the rock clearing, first erecting the tent then piling a breastwork of boulders around it.

The six escapees darted for what they thought was a hidden booster plate at the base of the wall, five men and one woman piling onto the makeshift lifter.

He may also perceive a resemblance in the wine to the studious mind, which is the obverse of our mortality, and throws off acids and crusty particles in the piling of the years, until it is fulgent by clarity.

He turned on more gasolene and advanced the spark still further, so that the boat increased her rate, piling up waves of white foam on either side.

Harry that it had not been triggered by the mere fact of the Hyperborean sky being suddenly full of spacecraft and debris-instead, the immediate cause of alarm was most likely some item of news brought by the people whose ships were piling in on the field in such disorder.

And Mager Blakes horses went by jest lickety larup for the Torrent ingine house with old Brown driving, and then Flunk Ham came piling into the church and said, give me that roap and he puled like time, then sum peeple came runing in and said where is the fire, and Flunk he said we dident know, and then we herd the ingine and went out and they was the Torrent and the fountain and lots of men, and they said where in hel is the fire and nobody knowed where it was.

The boys scattered to get horses, and the stockmen were piling out of the jackaroo barracks, while Mrs.

They had no mappable course - a good storm higher up the mountains could bring house-sized rocks and half a stricken woodland down in the flood, blocking the sinkholes and piling up dams.

According to Montague Summers, this Irish vampire can be held at bay by piling large amount of stones on its grave - but no Irish mythologist can find any reference to it.