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off the wagon

adv. (context idiomatic English) No longer maintaining a program of self-improvement or abstinence from an undesirable habit, especially drinking alcohol.

Usage examples of "off the wagon".

Dorrin climbs off the wagon and begins to lead the mismatched team through the gate and up alongside the ship.

By the time he had straightened, Dylert had vaulted off the wagon.

One soldier had ripped off the wagon seat and was lifting small bags from the narrow space underneath.

A porter with a hand truck jumped off the wagon that had stopped in front of the dry-goods store, and we slowed for a moment, then dodged around him.

Leesil stepped off the wagon and reached up to grasp her by the waist and lift her down.

And the way was always starting and stopping, with a curved shield taken off the wagon each place the march stopped, each with a Sorcerer to attend it and at least two Tragamors, though in places there were three or even four.

Richard jumped down off the wagon and told Jori that he would go up the hill and join him after the wagon made its way around the twists in the road.

There was something peculiar about the two who had come down off the wagon seat, but he could not quite put his finger on what it was.

Adrian was off the wagon roof and shouting at his Fighting Band, leading some of them toward the breaches and pointing off others to cover the rest.