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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Nonplus \Non"plus\, n. [L. non not + plus more, further. See Plural.] A state or condition which baffles reason or confounds judgment; insuperable difficulty; inability to proceed or decide; puzzle; quandary.

Both of them are a perfect nonplus and baffle to all human understanding.


Nonplus \Non"plus`\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Nonplusedor Nonplussed; p. pr. & vb. n. Nonplusing or Nonplussing.] To puzzle; to confound; to perplex; to cause to stop by embarrassment.

He has been nonplused by Mr. Dry's desiring him to tell what it was that he endeavored to prove.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"to bring to a nonplus, to perplex," 1590s, from the noun (1580s), properly "state where 'nothing more' can be done or said," from Latin non plus "no more, no further" (see plus). Related: Nonplussed.


n. A state of perplexity or bewilderment. vb. (context transitive English) to perplex or bewilder someone; to confound or flummox

  1. v. be a mystery or bewildering to; "This beats me!"; "Got me--I don't know the answer!"; "a vexing problem"; "This question really stuck me" [syn: perplex, vex, stick, get, puzzle, mystify, baffle, beat, pose, bewilder, flummox, stupefy, gravel, amaze, dumbfound]

  2. [also: nonplussing, nonplusses, nonplussed]

Usage examples of "nonplus".

Flustered, she walked into the kitchen, nonplussed by her rapid pulse, a sinking sensation, a feeling of weakness.

Even Smith, accustomed to storm, was nonplussed at the suddenness of the attack upon him.

For a moment she was nonplussed, then she opened the gate and went in.

The priest was still off on errands around the city, and after a few walks about the green to assuage their consciences, all had returned, nonplussed, to intelligence headquarters.

To say that Bertram was now definitely nonplussed would be but to state the simple truth.

She was so shocked, so nonplussed, at the scene that she doubted she could have said a word.

While he stood nonplussed, looking after them, Miss Hastings glided to his side in a matter of course way.

Ulla was waiting, just as she expected, and she dismissed the nonplussed girl.

With the appearance of the first dish upon the table that night the boy was very frankly nonplussed at the array of implements upon each side of his plate, placed there for him to manipulate.

And henceforth, won over by that feast of colours, she would have declared it all capital if he would only have condescended to finish his work a little more, and if she had not remained nonplussed now and then before a mauve ground or a blue tree, which upset all her preconceived notions of colour.

Then, when Moon Frost landed, momentarily nonplussed at not finding her prey where it should have been, Firekeeper swung behind her and launched herself astride.

Henry Carew - assisted by a nonplussed postilion - climbed into the dark interior of his lacquered coach and Catherine could see no more.

Madoc was a trifle nonplussed as to which room he ought to look for Madame Bellini in.

Nonplussed, William looks away towards the hearth, and catches sight of the polished neck of a violoncello, poking up over the back of an armchair facing the fire.

High Priest appeared nonplussed when Effluvia had herself announced and then pushed her way in before the lay brother guarding the door had time to finish the announcement.