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muscle boys

n. (plural of muscle boy English)

Usage examples of "muscle boys".

A line of cheerleaders did all they could to attract customers, as did a team of muscle boys in tatoos and chains.

Four muscle boys were skulking by the Pinkos' lunch truck--just the right number to tip it over and coffee-scald the guy inside.

I have to return to work before Dapper John's muscle boys begin to ask questions.

Then the muscle boys could move in, or the intelligence squad could stake it out, identifying more and more faces, then assaulting the place in such a way as to arrest three or even more of the bastards.

You one of them muscle boys who only likes other muscle boys or something?

Which may give you some idea of what I'm doing here, not to mention why I just stunned your muscle boys.

The two blond muscle boys inside were having a grand time ogling all the female flesh in sight.

He counted five of the muscle boys, each taking off in a different direction.

They tried to mug him, they tried to kill him, they tried knock-out drops and muscle boys-nothing worked.

They tried to mug him, they tried to kill him, they tried knock-out drops and muscle boys - nothing worked.