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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Moorish \Moor"ish\, a. [From 2d Moor.] Having the characteristics of a moor or heath. ``Moorish fens.''


Moorish \Moor"ish\, a. [See 1st Moor, and cf. Morris, Moresque.] Of or pertaining to Morocco or the Moors; in the style of the Moors.

Moorish architecture, the style developed by the Moors in the later Middle Ages, esp. in Spain, in which the arch had the form of a horseshoe, and the ornamentation admitted no representation of animal life. It has many points of resemblance to the Arabian and Persian styles, but should be distinguished from them. See Illust. under Moresque.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"of or pertaining to Moors," mid-15c., from Moor + -ish.


a. (context now rare English) boggy, marshy; like a moor.

  1. redirect Moors

Usage examples of "moorish".

I came to a shelf holding rows of five-kilogram bags of basmati rice, my mind drifted back to an evening several months ago in a Moorish garden in the south of Spain.

A brigantine picked him up, and at night they put him ashore a league from the Moorish camp that was laying siege to the city of Constantinople.

Moorish governor threatened to load him with irons, and violently seized part of the presents designed by his Britannic majesty for the emperor.

Governor, or by his influence, Israel was lodged by the Nadir, the administrator of mosque property, in one of the houses belonging to the mosque on the Moorish side of the Mellah walls.

In the south-east corner of the Mellah he placed it, and he built it partly in the Moorish and partly in the English fashion, with an open court and corridors, marble pillars, and a marble staircase, walls of small tiles, and ceilings of stalactites, but also with windows and with doors.

Hence the Moorish officials had suffered them to remain outside the walls of their Mellah after sunset.

With his innocent disguise, his Moorish jellab, hung over his arm, Israel had passed the Mellah gate, being the only Jew who was allowed to cross it after sunset.

She was not in the Mellah, and therefore she must have passed into the Moorish town before the gates closed at sunset.

Why, from the very moment an American started building his or her Miami Moorish house in the exclusive colony which the Meskins disparagingly called Disneylandia, the poor, helpless, despised retiree could expect to be gulled, bilked, hoodwinked and price-gouged by every Meskin contractor, carpenter, plumber, etc.

Once there, we might fasten one or both to our side with grapnels, and then, methinks, that English bill and bow will render us more than a match for Moorish pirates, and one of these craft can scarcely carry more men than we have.

The place looked authentic, if unweathered, and a strange architecture showed what seemed to be Moorish and Asian influences.

To the old alcaide who served as governor of Denia word was brought, at the end of a day of fierce tempest, that a Moorish ship was approaching the shore.

The island of Anguilla was breathtakingly beautiful, and the hotel was a fairy-tale Moorish palace, with domes and turrets and fabulous gardens, but she was completely alone.

The triple-damned Moorish bastards have never needed much excuse to sail out and prey on honest shipping, and the mere unsupported rumor, without a single grain of truth to it, that old Abdul might have been poisoned has got them allfrom Sidi Barani to Beni Safarmed and at sea after gold and slaves and anything else they can lay hands on.

Majesty, your captain begs your permission to go see the Moorish camp within a few days.