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master data

n. (context data management English) reference data.

Master data

Master data represents the business objects which are agreed on and shared across the enterprise. Commonly confused with Reference Data – information that is key to the operation of a business – it also can cover transactional, unstructured, analytical, hierarchical and meta data. It is the primary focus of the Information Technology (IT) discipline of Master Data Management (MDM).

While master data is often non-transactional in nature, it is not limited to non-transactional data, and often supports transactional processes and operations. For example, Master data may be about: customers, products, employees, materials, suppliers, and vendors, and it may also cover: sales, documents and aggregated sales.

Usage examples of "master data".

She could have copied the basic astrogation and ship service files and AIs over to them from Krashnark's master data banks, but for all her size and firepower, Krashnark was simply too small to require all the computer support a Warlord-class battlecruiser needed.

At the push of a node the master data center would disgorge not only my height, weight, date of birth, hair color, eye color, racial index, blood group, and academic background, but also a full list of all illnesses I had suffered, vaccinations, my medical and psychological checkups, sperm count, mean body temperature by seasons, size of all bodily organs including penis both flaccid and erect, all my places of residence, my kin to the fifth degree and the fourth generation, current bank balance, pattern of financial behavior, tax status, voting performance, record of .