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loose end

n. 1 The end of a rope that has not been fastened. 2 (context idiomatic by extension English) A small job that needs to be done, or minor problem that needs to be resolved, before a task can be considered complete.

loose end

n. work that is left incomplete [syn: unfinished business]

Usage examples of "loose end".

A simple porter, at a loose end until his master decided to go back to Spain, out for a few drinks and to see the sights.

Tommy was amply employed, and debarred from joining him in the chase, the girl felt at a loose end.

The loose end of the rope lay stretched along the ground to the north, and it was now being tugged at by a few dozen songfathers.

And maybe redeemed a promise, a loose end the Old Man had left hanging.

Even if he thinks he is getting what he wants, he will still have to kill Rebecca because she is a witness, a loose end.

The loose end of the shalin was not drawn over her head, modestly, but left to trail down her back, so that he could see her large dark eyes and the line of glittering gold that emphasized the arch of her eyebrows, the perfect oval face and the full lips, all within a frame of curling black hair that glinted red in the fitful light.

For now it would simply have to dangle as yet another loose end, while I concentrated on basics.

The line was ready coiled to hand and he tossed the loose end overboard, to feel the cord jerk taut as one of the dolphins caught it up.

Her emotions were in such a snarl that it was impossible to find a loose end, somewhere she could begin to unravel.