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n. 1 (plural of loin English) 2 The lower abdomen, groin and genitalia.

  1. n. the lower part of the abdomen just above the external genital organs [syn: pubes, pubic region]

  2. the region of the hips and groin and lower abdomen

Usage examples of "loins".

His hands and mouth buried her conscious thought under a flurry of hot caresses that intensified the fire in her loins, pushing her out of control, past any semblance of serenity or decorum.

The ache in his loins had intensified while he stood watching her, and he thought about what it would be like to have her.

She wanted him so much that her entire body ached, her breasts throbbing, her thighs and loins heavy with need.

The thought of bringing her to passion in­terfered with his breathing and made his loins grow heavy.

He could see the dark curls of hair beneath the wisp of fabric, and be felt his loins tighten and swell.

The eyes, and the woman, had filled his recent dreams with a tender eroticism that made his loins tighten.

In equal silence he positioned himself against her like a spoon, his thighs against the backs of hers, her bottom snuggling his loins, her back against his hard, broad chest His right arm went under her head, and his left one curved around her waist, anchoring her in place.

His tongue curled against hers, and she made a sound deep in her throat, her breasts and loins tightening as if he had touched them.

His loins were heavy and throbbing, his all-too-accurate memory reminding him just how it had felt to be sheathed inside her.

Briefly his eyes closed, and he ground his teeth together as a heavy surge in his loins threatened his self-control.

The strength of his sexual need for her surprised him, given his current physical condi­tion, but the stirring in his loins every time she touched him was proof that certain instincts were stronger than pain.

Every muscle in his body was tightening, his loins growing heavy with desire.

His loins hardened and grew heavy to the point where he almost didn't care that now wasn't the time or the place.

Heat was rising in him, swelling his loins with an intensity that made him shake, now that he was so close to having her.

She felt his hardness, the strength of his muscled arms enfolding her, the scrub-board flatness of his belly rubbing against her with each thrust, the powerful thighs that kept her own thighs parted, the hardness of his loins that pressed into her body with each recoil of his hips.