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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Log canoe

Log \Log\, n. [Icel. l[=a]g a felled tree, log; akin to E. lie. See Lie to lie prostrate.]

  1. A bulky piece of wood which has not been shaped by hewing or sawing.

  2. [Prob. the same word as in sense 1; cf. LG. log, lock, Dan. log, Sw. logg.] (Naut.) An apparatus for measuring the rate of a ship's motion through the water.

    Note: The common log consists of the log-chip, or logship, often exclusively called the log, and the log line, the former being commonly a thin wooden quadrant of five or six inches radius, loaded with lead on the arc to make it float with the point up. It is attached to the log line by cords from each corner. This line is divided into equal spaces, called knots, each bearing the same proportion to a mile that half a minute does to an hour. The line is wound on a reel which is so held as to let it run off freely. When the log is thrown, the log-chip is kept by the water from being drawn forward, and the speed of the ship is shown by the number of knots run out in half a minute. There are improved logs, consisting of a piece of mechanism which, being towed astern, shows the distance actually gone through by the ship, by means of the revolutions of a fly, which are registered on a dial plate.

  3. Hence: The record of the rate of speed of a ship or airplane, and of the course of its progress for the duration of a voyage; also, the full nautical record of a ship's cruise or voyage; a log slate; a log book.

  4. Hence, generally: A record and tabulated statement of the person(s) operating, operations performed, resources consumed, and the work done by any machine, device, or system.

  5. (Mining) A weight or block near the free end of a hoisting rope to prevent it from being drawn through the sheave.

  6. (computers) A record of activities performed within a program, or changes in a database or file on a computer, and typically kept as a file in the computer. Log board (Naut.), a board consisting of two parts shutting together like a book, with columns in which are entered the direction of the wind, course of the ship, etc., during each hour of the day and night. These entries are transferred to the log book. A folding slate is now used instead. Log book, or Logbook (Naut.),

    1. a book in which is entered the daily progress of a ship at sea, as indicated by the log, with notes on the weather and incidents of the voyage; the contents of the log board.

    2. a book in which a log[4] is recorded.

      Log cabin, Log house, a cabin or house made of logs.

      Log canoe, a canoe made by shaping and hollowing out a single log; a dugout canoe.

      Log glass (Naut.), a small sandglass used to time the running out of the log line.

      Log line (Naut.), a line or cord about a hundred and fifty fathoms long, fastened to the log-chip. See Note under 2d Log, n., 2.

      Log perch (Zo["o]l.), an ethiostomoid fish, or darter ( Percina caprodes); -- called also hogfish and rockfish.

      Log reel (Naut.), the reel on which the log line is wound.

      Log slate. (Naut.) See Log board (above).

      Rough log (Naut.), a first draught of a record of the cruise or voyage.

      Smooth log (Naut.), a clean copy of the rough log. In the case of naval vessels this copy is forwarded to the proper officer of the government.

      To heave the log (Naut.), to cast the log-chip into the water; also, the whole process of ascertaining a vessel's speed by the log.

Log canoe

The log canoe is a type of sailboat developed in the Chesapeake Bay region. Based on the dugout, it was the principal traditional fishing boat of the bay until superseded by the bugeye and the skipjack. However, it is most famous as a racing sailboat, and races continue to be held.

Usage examples of "log canoe".

Sometimes Chevelier had Injuns with him, and this day I seen a log canoe slide back behind the green, soft as a gator.

The spot he selected was on the creek, close to where he had built his log canoe.

He had already built himself one log canoe and was in the process of burning another.

She was looking at a huge hollowed-out log canoe with a thatched canopy that was pulled halfway up the beach.

The flash of mnemonic lightning hit his mind a bit late, in fact, just as they reached the river's brink and saw the long, log canoe, hard-driven by a dozen paddlers, sweeping down the muddy center channel at them.

I was pleased to hear of the old log canoe, which took the place of an Indian one of the same material but more graceful construction, which perchance had first been a tree on the bank, and then, as it were, fell into the water, to float there for a generation, the most proper vessel for the lake.

She had disappointed him so often when even a log canoe would have risen to the occasion that his strong natural affection for his command had dwindled quite away.

All of man's genetic meddling notwithstanding, dolphins had been dealing with humanity on a level of good-natured derision since the first person paddled a log canoe out to sea.

The complicated instrument panel of the Stardust seemed, in comparison with these fantastic installations, like a primitive native's log canoe compared with an aircraft carrier of the U.

The parliamentary mechanism whereby we choose our Leaders is as crude as a spinning-jenny or a log canoe.