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large number

n. a large indefinite number; "a battalion of ants"; "a multitude of TV antennas"; "a plurality of religions" [syn: battalion, multitude, plurality, pack]

Large number (disambiguation)

A large number or the largest number are terms that may refer to:

  • Large numbers, for notations to exactly specify very large numbers
  • Names of large numbers, for the largest numbers with names

Usage examples of "large number".

Having had Noonday, Thunderstorm, the Ro-Sayo, and a large number of former members of the Melange tour through her ship during the last several days, she was convinced that none of their gaits matched the footsteps she remembered transiting what was left of her hull after her accident, not even accounting for weightlessness and grav-boots.

There were an abnormally large number of stories about wars and killing, most the result of politics and economics, many having no rational purpose.

There must have been some reason for a large number of learned men to include it- while chucking out several dozen gospels.

There must have been some reason for a large number of learned men to include it - while chucking out several dozen gospels.

There must have been some reason for a large number of learned men to include it -- while chucking out several dozen gospels.

Zeb, seven-to-two a large number of missing persons have been used as guinea pigs before they worked out methods for this masquerade.

He did it several more times, adding more sacrilege to the large number of incidents he'd already managed.

As he had then, Smythe pushed across the table a piece of paper with a number, a rather large number, written on it.

Besides being relevant to the fact that a large number of ruba'is are attributed to him, this also seems to relate to Khayyam's inclusion in the legend of 'The Three Schoolfellows'.

They were relentless, there were a surprisingly large number of them, and they would not give up.

The firing to the north, felt and heard in the background, reached a crescendo and died away as a large number of grav-guns opened fire.

A large number of these gathered in Washington so when the Posleen forced a crossing of the river, right on the Washington Mall, thousands of these soldiers who had been in the rout were directly in their path.

Before daybreak the troops of Feofar-Khan had retreated into their camp, leaving a large number of dead on and below the ramparts.

Considering the large number of high elevations, the probability seems very great that their view will be obstructed by at least one of those high peaks.

As a large number of them were captured, they formed quite a picturesque feature of every crowd.