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keep the baby

vb. To choose not to have an abortion.

Usage examples of "keep the baby".

Kristy insists that we also keep the Baby-sitters Club Notebook, in which each of us has to write up every single sitting job we do.

There was a full army within shouting distance to keep the baby safe from attack, and he was well protected in the Norman's arms.

The doctor wanted to send us to an orphan asylum, but Mary Leary had worked for us, and she told me that if we went to an asylum they would take Little Brother away from me and I'd never see him any more, and she said if I'd go home with her she'd find me a place to work and I could keep the baby.

The woman with the baby was still on her feet, walking up and down, perhaps to keep the baby quiet.

In Marc's opinion, she had made an eminently sensible adaptation, for unless the family was willing to keep the baby on total brain-isolate life support for over a decade, he was certainly doomed to die.

I told Janine that I'd keep the baby on Saturday so she can get her hair cut and do a little shopping.

He draped a folded towel over her left shoulder, not so much to help warm her as to keep the baby from drooling or spitting up on her when she burped him.