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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ And within the droppings are the spores of the fungus, ingested during truffle-eating time.
▪ In this way only those predators that attack live animals are affected when they ingest the substance contained in the neck device.
▪ Infective larvae which have developed from eggs deposited by ewes in the spring are ingested by ewes and lambs in early summer.
▪ It ingests the compound from the vent water, snaps its chemical bonds and survives on the energy released.
▪ It is known to develop in individuals with peptic disease who ingest large amounts of calcium-carbonate-based antacids.
▪ It s basically sterilized sand, Thompson says, although ingesting any non-food substance is never recommended.
▪ Rather surprisingly, the time spent boring and ingesting a meal does not vary very much for whelks of different sizes.
▪ There was an initial suspicion that this poison had been ingested by our two patients.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Ingest \In*gest"\, v. t. [L. ingenium, p. p. of ingerere to put in; pref. in- in + gerere to bear.]

  1. To take into, or as into, the stomach or alimentary canal.
    --Sir T. Browne.

  2. To take into the body by any means, as by inhalation, injection, absorption, as well as through the mouth.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1610s, from Latin ingestus, past participle of ingerere "to throw in, pour in, heap upon," from in- "into" (see in- (2)) + gerere "to carry" (see gest). Related: Ingested; ingesting.


vb. To take into the body, as for digestion.

  1. v. serve oneself to, or consume regularly; "Have another bowl of chicken soup!"; "I don't take sugar in my coffee" [syn: consume, take in, take, have] [ant: abstain]

  2. take up mentally; "he absorbed the knowledge or beliefs of his tribe" [syn: absorb, assimilate, take in]

Usage examples of "ingest".

He had ingested, the report stated succinctly, amylobarbitone, pethidine and alcohol in sufficient quantities to cause his death, although what had actually killed him was suffocation, as, after he had slid into unconsciousness, he had choked on his own vomit.

Thereby he ingests the life-force of the woman without expending any of his own.

Boba Fett had sometimes wondered if they grew so huge by greedily ingesting everything that came into reach of their little hands and huge mouths, and letting nothing go.

In ingesting it, the flimmers had committed a particularly gruesome form of group suicide.

Because freebase users ended up ingesting vast quantities of the drug, he concluded that the habit was considerably more dangerous than snorting.

Taylor speaks of a man who fell unconscious ten seconds after an ounce of phenol had been ingested, and in three minutes was dead.

As I said, I had ingested an ample quantity of blood earlier, and I assumed that there would be no further need for me to take further nourishment that night.

He smiled, but it saddened him beyond measure to recall the lethargic greetings of Argus, their old Newfoundland, who had ingested a fatal amount of poison from a neighboring farm.

Even the snout antennae were bizarre: Thaish looked as if he had just ingested a tiny biped whose naked, thin blue legs and feet were dangling out of his mouth.

I summoned kitchen help and sent them for this commodity and the Mek ingested several pints.

I had ingested eight buttons again, but the effect had been different.

Logically, the quantity of dried mushrooms ingested was larger than the quantity of shreds burned and inhaled.

Usually the top part of the cactus was cut off and stored until it had dried, and then it was chewed and ingested, but under special circumstances the top part was ingested while it was fresh.

My own conclusion, which I hasten to add is not based on observation, is that nourishment is ingested directly into the bloodstream from the blood of other animals.

Given the quantity of food the serpent had just ingested, Oskar was grateful that snakes did not snore.