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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Household bread

Household \House"hold`\, a. Belonging to the house and family; domestic; as, household furniture; household affairs.

Household bread, bread made in the house for common use; hence, bread that is not of the finest quality. [Obs.]

Household gods (Rom. Antiq.), the gods presiding over the house and family; the Lares and Penates; hence, all objects endeared by association with home.

Household troops, troops appointed to attend and guard the sovereign or his residence.

Usage examples of "household bread".

It was a simple repast--a manchette, or small loaf of bread of pure white flour, a loaf of household bread, sometimes a lump of cheese, and either a great flagon of ale or of sweet wine, warm and spiced.

In Germany, the peasants flavour their cheese, cabbage, soups, and household bread with Caraway, and in Norway and Sweden, polenta-like, black, Caraway bread is largely eaten in country districts.