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gypsy cab

n. (context colloquial US sometimes offensive English) An unlicensed taxi, especially in the North East of the United States.

gypsy cab

n. a taxicab that cruises for customers although it is licensed only to respond to calls

Usage examples of "gypsy cab".

We had the color of the gypsy cab that had picked up the girls around the time of the murders.

He'd fronted Moth the cash for his first gypsy cab and gave Moth his business right from the start, a way of letting people know Moth could be trusted.

A gypsy cab, the only kind that cruises Harlem, slowed as it approached.

And he went down, onto his knees, and he bent to me and he began to kiss my toes and I thank my gypsy cab driver for teaching me how pleasurable all that can be and my hand was on the meteor and I picked it up and it was very heavy, very heavy indeed, and its heaviness sent a thrill through me, a sweet wet thrill, and I looked down at the straight white part in his hair, the very place where this meteor was about to strike, and I thought how sexy.

He was getting into a gypsy cab, a dull red-and-orange hack that read, CAPPY'S.

She passed a gypsy cab garage, the owner sitting outside, holding his taped-together dispatch radio, the long cord disappearing into the unlit office.