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government take

n. A government's revenue through taxes, royalties and government participation

Usage examples of "government take".

You want to arrest me and let the government or perhaps the High Government take over my business.

Or would the European government take that as a sign that the United States wanted to fight?

For this is what the Holy Alliance tried to do, and the signers of the document solemnly declared that they would ``in the administration of their respective states and in their political relations with every other government take for their sole guide the precepts of that Holy Religion, namely the precepts of Justice, Christian Charity and Peace, which far from being applicable only to private concerns must have an immediate influence on the councils of princes, and must guide all their steps as being the only means of consolidating human institutions and remedying their imperfections.

To pour your life into sons for eighteen or twenty years, and then have the government take them away and waste them cleaning up after some failure of politics--no thanks.

If anyone can make this criminal government take action and feed its starving people, he is the one.

To pour your life into sons for eighteen or twenty years, and then have the government take them away and waste them cleaning up after some failure of politics-no thanks.