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get the ball rolling

alt. (context idiomatic English) To begin; to start some action; to set in motion. vb. (context idiomatic English) To begin; to start some action; to set in motion.

Usage examples of "get the ball rolling".

Someone who thought I might be able to get the ball rolling a little in time for the next director's meeting.

We need to get the ball rolling in anticipation of General Stewart's return to duty.

They feel a business partnership-strictly business-is a sensible way in which to, er, get the ball rolling.

So, yes, you could say that I am anxious to meet the king's candidates and get the ball rolling.

Its late, and the wife will be back soon, so lets get the ball rolling right away.

So I sent Kane down to the Kent to get the ball rolling, oh, six months ago or so.

Besides -' she flicked a lock of hair from her brow '- someone has to get the ball rolling.

Lex and I are going to stay here in New York and get the ball rolling locally.

Gavin had consequently been panicked into rechannelling much of the marketing budget into a summer advertising and PR offensive, pitching the facility's year-round sun credentials in an attempt to maximise winter bookings and thus at least get the ball rolling.

And as the series was now running prime-time, there seemed good reason to slip all these into one weekly episode, to get the ball rolling.