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first team

n. (context sports English) The first-choice lineup of players in a team who start the game.

first team

n. a team representing a college or university [syn: varsity]

Usage examples of "first team".

Jaybird was on the first team, and he led them into the first room.

Gone would be the team confidence which over many months had replaced individual confidence and doubt, gone would be the smooth co-operation and co-ordination which worked like meshing gears, gone would be a vast percentage of the actual work they'd done, for no other team, no matter how capable it might be, could take up where another team left off, even with the notes of the first team to guide them on their way.

Later that day, the first team would take off from the island of Malta, in the middle of the Mediterranean, not far from Libya.

What in the world does your first team nickname, 'Ass-boy One', relate to?

Islands he knew well slid by on each side: Jurzy Island, where the Jurzy Lightning-bolts, his first team, had practiced.

The new' boss offered half of his salary to the first team to forge ahead of its own work schedule.