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down at the heel

a. (alternative form of down at heel English)

Usage examples of "down at the heel".

His boots were run down at the heel, but he wore jingling spurs with huge rowels, California spurs.

Still gangly with youth, dressed in warm clothes and high leather boots only a little down at the heel, he looked like a villager’.

Still gangly with youth, dressed in warm clothes and high leather boots only a little down at the heel, he looked like a villagers son.

When Phaid and Ben-e had first entered the dim, dirty, cluttered workshop, both the woman and the spherical android had strenuously denied that Acme Androids was anything more than a down at the heel and rather inefficient repair outfit.

Devin's uniform consisted of a cotton shirt, faded jeans and boots worn down at the heel.

He wore a mustache, was unshaved, and his boots were down at the heel.

The Atlas did not amount to much as a circus, being financially very much down at the heel.