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dead tree

a. made of or pertaining to paper, especially as opposed to a digital alternative alt. made of or pertaining to paper, especially as opposed to a digital alternative n. 1 A quantity of paper; a collection of paper such as a book or newspaper. 2 A tree that is still standing, but no longer alive. (''compare:'' log, stump)

Dead tree

Dead tree may refer to:

Forestry and ecology
  • Coarse woody debris, fallen dead trees and the remains of large branches on the ground in forests.
  • Large woody debris, logs, branches, and other wood that falls into streams and rivers.
  • Snag, a standing, partly or completely dead tree; also trees, branches, leaves and other pieces of naturally occurring wood found in a sunken form in rivers and streams.
  • Book, also called "dead tree edition" or "dead tree book" (humorously)
  • Hard copy, the print version (humorously)

Usage examples of "dead tree".

It was not long before Welstiel noticed the first dead tree—.

Mandachuva had once explained to him that it was a prayer, asking the dead tree to forgive them for using tools that were not made of wood.

Benches are laid out under the three mighty oaks and from inside the hollow stump of a huge dead tree an Elf is handing out tankards.

At one place, she spotted a man perched up in a dead tree, with a bow in his hand and a quiver hanging from the branch beside him.

He thought that it might have been a dead tree on the shore, but was finally blown over into the pond, and after the top had become water-logged, while the butt-end was still dry and light, had drifted out and sunk wrong end up.

There was a big dead tree and some rocks that looked like monsters.

Leaning against the Comfortable Camel, the Knight mopped his brow, and turning his back upon the willows fixed his gaze upon a gaudy vine that clambered riotously over a dead tree.

A fireball of gas and blazing wood engulfed the base of the dead tree.

The thing was curiously large, painted in red characters on a great slab of wood, posted on a dead tree some twelve feet from the ground.