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n. (alternative spelling of data flow English)


Dataflow is a term used in computing, and may have various shades of meaning.

Usage examples of "dataflow".

Earth, dataflow allows even large governments to respond quickly to the wishes of individuals.

I could not do was understand in a linear fashion the leap that Charles had made, from dataflow theory to the nature of the Bell Continuum.

In stations across Mars, engineers rigged simpler, more secure dataflow systems, setting us back fifty years or more, but guaranteeing that we would breathe, drink clean water, see no more the vivid horror of vacuum rose in blown-out tunnels.

BM wanted forms, and it was all dataflow, not at all like the old days when if you fouled up some damn company form you got a chance to read it over slow and easy and say it right.

I can create a division that will perform like NATA and we will wrest the dataflow away from them.

Now that the dataflow from Earth had slowed to a trickle, though, he thought Gates might change its mind.

Our AS should have picked up that quantity of subversive dataflow within the spaceport network.

Between 1:48 and 2:10 the network dataflow had increased by a small percentage.

Monitor the dataflow and put something in your report to appease them.

The little Acey, tucked in among dozens of dataflow arcs, beamed in satisfaction.

Because the same data you received yesterday is in locked-down launch configuration at fifty places in the Landfall dataflow, preprogrammed for high-impact delivery into every corporate stack in the Cartel.

Beneath the left eye, black tattooed cross-hatching marked the cheekbone where the dataflow filaments would go in.

The form of the dataflows under analysis was not just the sum of their constituent parts.

And that, whatever the reasons, it wouldn't be a good idea to have you swimming the dataflows untagged.

They reasoned she simply plugged herself directly into the vast dataflows the company created to act as some kind of omnipotent technophile sovereign.