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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Franklin looked dapper in his gray pin-striped suit.
▪ Graham walked into the restaurant, looking dapper in a grey business suit.
▪ The Captain was a dapper little man with a neat moustache and shiny shoes.
▪ A dapper man with an aristocratic air, he was boyishly handsome, compulsively social and intensely creative.
▪ A small dapper gentleman two seats away knocked back a shot of something and exhaled an invisible sweet cloud.
▪ He was a dapper man; he liked to look good.
▪ I tried the next time with a very dapper man, all pinstripes and umbrella.
▪ Rat remains his dapper, timeless self.
▪ Skepticism fully loaded, I agreed to meet with the dapper and charming McKenna.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Dapper \Dap"per\,

  1. [OE. daper; pro

  2. fr. D. dapper brave, valiant; akin to G. tapfer brave, OHG. taphar heavy, weighty, OSlav. dobr[u^] good, Russ. dobrui. Cf. Deft.] Little and active; spruce; trim; smart; neat in dress or appearance; lively.

    He wondered how so many provinces could be held in subjection by such a dapper little man.

    The dapper ditties that I wont devise.

    Sharp-nosed, dapper steam yachts.
    --Julian Hawthorne.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

mid-15c., "elegant," from Middle Dutch or Middle Low German dapper "bold, strong, sturdy," later "quick, nimble," from Proto-Germanic *dapraz, perhaps with ironical shift of meaning (cognates: Old High German tapfar "heavy," German tapfer "brave"), from PIE root *dheb- "dense, firm, compressed."


a. 1 neat, trim. 2 stylishly dressed, neatly dressed, spiffy.


adj. marked by smartness in dress and manners; "a dapper young man"; "a jaunty red hat" [syn: dashing, jaunty, natty, raffish, rakish, smart, spiffy, snappy, spruce]


Dapper may refer to:


  • Olfert Dapper (1635–1689), Dutch physician and writer
  • Marco Dapper (born 1983), American actor and model
  • Cliff Dapper (born 1920), Major League Baseball catcher


  • Musée Dapper, a Parisian museum specializing in African art


  • Dapper ORM, a simple object mapper for .NET Framework


  • Dapper Day, a semi-annual gathering that takes place at the Walt Disney Parks and Resorts

Usage examples of "dapper".

Hobart Batt popped up in front of them, dapper in a pale pink suit and tie.

Hobart Batt, attired in dapper evening wear, perched on the edge of his chair with the nervous air of a small mouse-wren.

Lili schrikte voor een spin, die aan een langen, zilveren draad naar beneden zakte, en toen De Woude het dier verwijderde, werden zij beiden zeer geplaagd: zij, als een schuchtere jonkvrouw, hij, als een dapper ridder, die de monsters om haar heen versloeg.

The dapper desk clerk crossed an indolent leg to show off a foot shod in English leather and looked round the dowdy circle with a condescending smile.

And though I am clean Got off from Subtle, Surly, Mammon, Dol, Hot Ananias, Dapper, Drugger, all With whom I traded: yet I put my self On you, that are my country: and this pelf Which I have got, if you do quit me, rests To feast you often, and invite new guests.

Gustav Fiers, dapper in an exquisitely tailored white suit sharing drinks with a group of similarly-clad men at a table in a smoky nightclub.

On his heels came dapper little James de Guider, looking, at close quarters, not so dapper, and holding a little red money bag, not quarter full, in front of him like a child holding a bag of sweets.

When I had taken my chocolate, a hair-dresser--quite a fashionable, dapper fellow--made his appearance, dying to give vent to his chattering propensities.

En toch, dapper trots haar zwakte, hield zij den kamp met de duizende kleine beslommeringen van het dagelijksche leven vol.

Settling back in his chair, Kelk glared at Verne in a mocking fashion, as though challenging the dapper man to talk.

Nigel as they stood watching the two figures, one lean and loose-jointed, the other stocky and dapper, walk briskly away up Materfamilias Lane.

CHAPTER III THE SECRET LIST WHEN Pascual opened the door, a slender, dapper man entered.

Sidney stepped down lissomely, but the French ambassador almost tripped, and muttered a Gallic oath under his breath, while short, dapper De Quadra murmured a warning to his colleague that the stairs were worn in the middle.

He paused next to a dapper white thirty-six-footer with a swooshy red trim line that looked like the detailing on a hot rod, which rejoiced in the intoxicating name of Yukon Jack.

When he was comfortable, the big man, Yepes Rivera, reported to his dapper leader, Ignacio Quadra.