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curve ball

n. a baseball thrown with spin so that its path curves as it approach the batter [syn: curve, breaking ball, bender]

Usage examples of "curve ball".

Steele used his curve ball, but he could not get the batter to go after it.

He tossed in his own opinion, and Rachel threw him a withering glance over her shoulder, still displeased that he'd caught a piece of her curve ball.

He was what he was, and now Edward, dependable in his own psychotic way, had thrown me a curve ball so wild I didn't even know how to swing at it.

He certainly hadn't been an expert at hitting a curve ball, or he'd have played at fields a lot fancier than the ones in the Three-I League.

She had focused on studying the documents about Black Niall because that was the only way she could function, and her subconscious had thrown her a curve ball by continuing to focus on him during her sleep.