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cn tower

n. A communications and observation tower in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

CN Tower

The CN Tower is a concrete communications and observation tower in downtown Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Built on the former Railway Lands, it was completed in 1976, becoming the world's tallest free-standing structure and world's tallest tower at the time. It held both records for 34 years until the completion of Burj Khalifa and Canton Tower in 2010. Since then, it became the 3rd tallest tower in the world and remains the tallest free-standing structure in the Western Hemisphere, a signature icon of Toronto's skyline, and a symbol of Canada, attracting more than two million international visitors annually.

Its name "CN" originally referred to Canadian National, the railway company that built the tower. Following the railway's decision to divest non-core freight railway assets, prior to the company's privatization in 1995, it transferred the tower to the Canada Lands Company, a federal Crown corporation responsible for real estate development. Since the name CN Tower became common in daily usage, the abbreviation was eventually expanded to Canadian National Tower or Canada's National Tower. However, neither of these names is commonly used.

In 1995, the CN Tower was declared one of the modern Seven Wonders of the World by the American Society of Civil Engineers. It also belongs to the World Federation of Great Towers, where it holds second-place ranking.

CN Tower (Edmonton)

CN Tower is an office tower in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. It stands at or 26 storeys tall, and was built and formerly owned by the Canadian National Railway Company. At the time of its construction it was the first skyscraper in Edmonton, and the tallest building in Western Canada. Its reign as Western Canada's tallest building lasted from 1966 to 1971, when it was surpassed by Edmonton House.

Usage examples of "cn tower".

He scanned everything within view that could be a potential hunting blind for Charon: from the needle-sharp CN Tower on his right to the twenty-five anvil-shaped stories of the Esplanade on his left, and all the area in between.

Way, way off in the distance, he could see the blinking lights atop the CN Tower, down at Toronto’.

Meanwhile, Gran and Linda nattered away like old friends, making plans for the week: the zoo, the island, a day trip to Niagara Falls, a ride up the CN Tower, all the touristy stuff that Art had last done in elementary school.

It used liquid propellant to shoot a slug as big as a man's thumb at six times the speed of sound, packing about as much kinetic energy as a bowling ball dropped off the CN Tower.

Far away, Theo could see downtown Toronto, with its skyscrapers, the slender needle of the CN Tower and, beyond, Lake Ontario stretching to the horizon.

The tallest building in the world, Toronto's CN tower, is over half a kilometer high using ordinary concrete, which is nowhere near even the practical limit.

In the distance, down at the lakeshore, he could see the CN Tower—.

If Ray had found it exciting but occasionally vertiginous to be in Simon's exalted company, then being around Rina felt like swinging on a chairaplane round the top of the CN Tower.

No, I was running through Toronto, the CN Tower beckoning in the distance.