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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Chaw \Chaw\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Chawed; p. pr. & vb. n. Chawing.] [See Chew.]

  1. To grind with the teeth; to masticate, as food in eating; to chew, as the cud; to champ, as the bit.

    The trampling steed, with gold and purple trapped, Chawing the foamy bit, there fiercely stood.

  2. To ruminate in thought; to consider; to keep the mind working upon; to brood over.

    Note: A word formerly in good use, but now regarded as vulgar.


Chaw \Chaw\, n. [See Chaw, v. t.]

  1. As much as is put in the mouth at once; a chew; a quid.

  2. [Cf. Jaw.] The jaw. [Obs.]

    Chaw bacon, a rustic; a bumpkin; a lout. (Law)

    Chaw tooth, a grinder. (Law)

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1520s, unexplained phonetic variant of chew (v.). OED points out the variant form chow was "very common in 16-17th c." Bartlett's "Dictionary of Americanisms" [1859] says chaw, "Although found in good authors, ... is retained, in this country as in England, only by the illiterate." Related: Chawed; chawing. The noun meaning "that which is chewed" (especially a quid of tobacco) first recorded 1709.


n. 1 (context informal uncountable English) chewing tobacco. 2 (context countable English) A plug or wad of chewing tobacco. 3 (context obsolete English) The jaw. vb. 1 (context archaic or nonstandard English) To chew; to grind with one's teeth; to masticate (food, or the cud); to champ (at the bit). 2 To ruminate in thought; to consider; to keep the mind working upon; to brood over. 3 (context UK slang English) To steal.

  1. n. a wad of something chewable as tobacco [syn: chew, cud, quid, plug, wad]

  2. v. chew without swallowing; "chawtobacco"


Chaw may refer to:

  • Gary Chaw, a singer
  • Chaw (surname), a Cantonese romanization of the Chinese surname Cao
  • Chaw (film), a 2009 Korean film
  • chewing tobacco, slang
  • Chaw (album), an album by Chandrabindoo
Chaw (album)

Chaw (Lit: Let's Go) is the first letter of the band's name and also their 4th album. Chandrabindoo (band) called it their "Chaturtho Chamok" (Lit: Fourth Wonder). Recorded in Calcutta, it was released by Asha Audio in 2001.

Usage examples of "chaw".

Iffen you give mesome of that-there chaw, I might git to talking and I might not try to bite ya.

Hopkins always comes down through the Gap onst a week on his way to Chawed Ear.

A knot of policemen cluttered the corridor, a mixture of Special Branch, uniformed and hard chaws from the Technical Bureau.

As the scouts poured into the draft room, and stuffed their lower lips with chaw, a catcher with a body deemed by all of baseball to be unsuited to the game sat waiting in Tuscaloosa, Alabama.

Billy leans forward in his chair, chaw clenched in his upper lip, as if waiting to see if a fly ball hit by an Oakland A will clear the wall.

Big chaw of Brown Mule stuck into his face, and spat all over our nice clean dirt floor.

This morning, back yonder at that settlement, I heard tell about a big skeleton that had been turned up on a Chaw Hollow farm.

The man desperately wanted a chaw, but spitting might be illegal here.

Zohab up to the priest's place, the day that there big shark got inta the 1'goon and chawed off his laigs, 'fore the Orks drove it off'n him.

I'd say, 'I don't know what you call too good, but it ain't good enough for me, for I call it as tuf as laushong, and that will bear chawing all day.

I vow I had to take a chaw of tobaccy to keep from snortin' right out, it sounded so queer like.

It was somethin' to chaw on, he hadn't been used to the flavour of, I reckon.

I home returning, fraught with fowle despight,And chawing vengeance all the way I went,Soone as my loathed loue appeard in sight,With wrathfull hand I slew her innocent.

It was an hour at least before the last chaw was chawed, the final belch belched, the penultimate sigh sighed.

I, Yucca Blaine, have been selected referee because, bein’ from Chawed Ear, I got no prejudices either way.