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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
building society
▪ A building society is not concerned with public or local government or the provision of a public service.
▪ His loan, from a building society, was for £50,000.
▪ Ramzan is being sued for £30,000 by a building society.
▪ So ask your building society what you could lose or gain from a remortgage.
building society

n. (context British banking English) A type of financial institution which traditionally was based on lending money (as mortgages) to society members to buy houses, from other members pooled savings and/or money borrowed wholesale.

building society

n. British equivalent of United States savings and loan association

Building society

A building society is a financial institution owned by its members as a mutual organization. Building societies offer banking and related financial services, especially savings and mortgage lending. These institutions are found in the United Kingdom (UK) and several other countries.

The term "building society" first arose in the 18th century in Great Britain from cooperative savings groups. In the UK today, building societies actively compete with banks for most consumer banking services, especially mortgage lending and savings accounts.

Every building society in the UK is a member of the Building Societies Association. At the start of 2008, there were 59 building societies in the UK, with total assets exceeding £360 billion. The number of societies in the UK fell by four during 2008 due to a series of mergers brought about, to a large extent, by the consequences of the financial crisis of 2007-2010. With three further mergers in each of 2009 and 2010, and a demutualisation and a merger in 2011, there are now 44 building societies.