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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ For example, if the male breadwinner is unemployed, more of the domestic tasks may fall to him.
▪ The most serious risk which faced them was that to their involuntarily parasitic women-folk - the unexpected death of the male breadwinner.
▪ But when it comes to earning an income, a large percentage still expects the father to be primary breadwinner.
▪ Its restaurant at the winery has become a $ 5 million annual breadwinner.
▪ Sure, her management team would be left without a breadwinner.
▪ There's another kind of breadwinner - women on their own with no regrets.
▪ Traditionally, of course, the man is the breadwinner who enhances his desirability by demonstrating his earning prowess.
▪ Two women, both family breadwinners, found the union of help in fighting for the right to be considered for promotion.
▪ Women became breadwinners while their husbands and sons went off to fight.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Breadwinner \Bread"win`ner\ (br[e^]d"w[i^]n`n[~e]r), n. The member of a family whose labor supplies the food of the family; one who works for his living.
--H. Spencer.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

also bread-winner, "one who supplies a living for others, especially a family," 1821, from the noun bread (probably in a literal sense) + winner, from win (v.) in its sense of "struggle for, work at." Attested slightly earlier (1818) in sense "skill or art by which one makes a living." Not too far removed from the image at the root of lord (n.).


n. The primary income-earner in a household


n. one whose earnings are the primary source of support for their dependents

Breadwinner (disambiguation)

Breadwinner typically refers to the breadwinner model, a system where one family member earns money to support the others.

Breadwinner may also refer to:

Breadwinner (band)

Breadwinner was a math rock-band based in Richmond, Virginia composed of: Pen Rollings (guitar), Robert Donne (bass), and Chris Farmer (drums). Rollings had previously been a member of hardcore punk outfit Honor Role. Merge Records released two 7-inch singles and one full-length CD, Burner (1994), comprising the two out of print singles and 3 unreleased tracks, after the band had broken up. The group has been called "the consummate math band" and are one of the key bands in the early history of math rock. The group has been called an influence on Battles and Lamb of God.

Guitarist Rollings later formed the band Loincloth.

Usage examples of "breadwinner".

With a surfeit of respectable ladies and their daughters, left without a breadwinner by the war against Bonaparte, there was no shortage of governesses or companions.

If you are the major breadwinner, if your husband has more time to give to the kids, if you travel a lot--well, it may be better to let your husband keep the kids.

As the principal breadwinner in those early years, he was the one who made it possible for you to spend time on the business.

It requires a good deal of capital for two people to live as Mrs Bridgetower and her son lived, when there has been no breadwinner in the family for ten years.

Somehow, as an earner and breadwinner, doing his own work in the world, he was more like an equal with her.

Miriam, as chief breadwinner, handles the finances with an efficiency Saul could never match.

This process triggered lactation in the male, and it was the male who settled down for the requisite number of years to raise the young while the female, after giving birth, was the breadwinner of the family.

Sixty years ago, Margaret Mead told us, based on what is done in other cultures, that it wasn't innate for men to be decision-makers and breadwinners or for women to be subservient and raise children.

Conversely, being the breadwinner may be very hard but it is less stressful than being a spouse who needs to be a breadwinner but can't get a job.

He'd always circled like a vulture, waiting to foreclose on hapless widows and families whose breadwinners had been fired or become disabled.

You have been conditioned to think of yourselves merely as breadwinners with no higher purpose than to earn your fees and the means of your own existence.