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bogging down

vb. (present participle of bog down English)

bogging down

See bog down

Usage examples of "bogging down".

My worst trouble is to get enough illustrative action into the story and to keep it from bogging down into endless talky-talk.

It was a soothing, all-is-right-with-the-universe kind of sound and she used its staccato beat to keep her thoughts moving, to keep her from bogging down in the self-pity that had blurred a good part of the last eight months.

He could then try to explain in generalities instead of forever bogging down on the fine points.

Things went well before bogging down the way construction projects inevitably do.

Giegengack shouted back amiably, swinging the vehicle in a wide arc to keep it from bogging down in the sand.

The ground turned to mud, bogging down the carts, animals and humans alike, and the heat remained intense, the humidity extraordinary.

As you know, the five Grants they sent keep bogging down in the soft ground so they're pretty useless anywhere but the roads.

All a thing of the past, like rutted dirt roads that once turned to slop in the rainy season, bogging down the carts.

There was little danger of the jeep bogging down, especially in four-wheel drive.

I remember specifically Cyril bogging down on his novel Takeoff, which he had originally intended to call something like The Martians Upstairs, with actual Martians in it.

Their hoofs spread out and keep the animal from bogging down in the swamps.

Do you think that some sort of elected assembly could run the Galactic Empire without bogging down in politics and partisan bickering?

Their puffy tires of enormous radius kept their bodies a meter off the ground, so they could clear scattered boulders, traverse dunes without bogging down, and even clatter over the rugged lava flows.