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bog rosemary

n. Any shrub in the genus ''Andromeda'', especially (taxlink Andromeda polifolia species).

bog rosemary

n. wiry evergreen shrub having pendent clusters of white or pink flowers; of wet acidic areas in Arctic and Canada to northeastern United States [syn: moorwort, Andromeda glaucophylla]

Usage examples of "bog rosemary".

Underbrush was scantier, and trees larger, than near Sybil Brown's cottage, and the mossy groundcover, which had been cheerfully sprinkled with dogwood and saxifrage near the wizard's castle, began more and more to sprout mugwort, lousewort, fly-specked orchia, skunk cabbage, wax flowers and the deceptively demure pink bell-like blossoms of poisonous bog rosemary.