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bear the brunt

vb. (context idiomatic English) To endure the worst part of something.

Usage examples of "bear the brunt".

More than once, he had made Bannor bear the brunt of his own bootless outrage.

Pharaun scrambled backward again, happy enough to let the broad-shouldered weapons master bear the brunt of the combat.

The fire that lit Bakhtiian's eyes now was fueled by grief and helpless fury, and Vasil felt a sudden, surprising pity for the khaja who were sure to bear the brunt of Bakhtiian's anger at the gods for taking from him the child he so desired.

Even going with the current, it was hard work, but there were three of us to spell one another, so no one had to bear the brunt of the labour too long.

The French would have to bear the brunt if the Germans attacked in the west.

Many of the drowned ones were turned away, leaving the koalinth to bear the brunt of the first attack while their own ranks were broken by the zombies' retreat.

So the Lords were compelled to bear the brunt of defending against these new assaults.